organic farming of capsicum



New Member
Planing to do orgnic ultivation of capcicum under green house need advice on pest and disease control.
Satvic veg
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Well-Known Member
There is a book available in market for the organic control of pests and vegetables, its a very good reference. Please go through that book for detailed information. I will mention the general organic pesticides used...
1.Diatomaceous earth is an abrasive powder made from the fossils of diatoms (tiny sea creatures). It works by cutting open the exoskeleton of crawling insects. With their exoskeletons damaged, the bugs dehydrate and die, usually within 48 hours. It works on a variety of critters, including slugs, earwigs, millipedes, centipedes, silverfish, cockroaches and ants. You can use it safely both indoors and outdoors. You simply sprinkle the powder where pests are likely to crawl, live, or hide. Another advantage is that as the insecticide works mechanically, pests cannot become resistant to it.
2. Garlic-based Insecticide and Fungicide
3.Neem Insecticidal Spray
4.Orange guard
5.lemon based insecticides- BugShooter is another natural citrus-based organic insect killer. It uses lemon oil as its base. This is an excellent organic pesticide for hobby gardeners, as you can use it safely on a huge variety of indoor and outdoor plants. It is designed to kill flying and crawling insects on contact. You can use it to kill aphids, adult whiteflies, bean beetles, fire ants, rose chafers, caterpillars, earwigs, Japanese beetles, etc. If you have vegetable or fruit crops, BugShooter is safe to use even on the day of harvest.



Pest Control

Dear Sir,
Pests can be controlled with the help of herbal pesticide which caan be prepared as follow

Liquid Manure and Pesticide

The liquid manures and pesticides are prepared using different materials i.e. cow dung, cow urine, leaves of leguminous plants, neem, caster and other medicinal plants.
This liquid manure and pesticide is used to promote the vigour and quality production. On average, it takes 8-12 weeks for its preparation.
How to prepare
• A plastic drum of 200 litre capacity is taken.
• After adding 5 kg of cow dung and 5 litre of cow urine, the drum is filled with 150 litre of water.
• 20-25 kg of leaves of neem, oak, datura, lantana and other medicinal plants are crushed and put in the drum.
• Add 0.5 kg of basin, 0.5 kg gur, 0.1 kg of garlic, 5.0 litre of butter milk, 0.5 kg of garden soil and pieces of cupper wire.
• Liquid is stirred every day is the morning and evening and covered with gunny bags.
• The preparation gets ready is 8-12 days depending upon the temperature and humidity.
• One litre of liquid manure is dissolved in 4-5 litre of water and sprayed one plants to encourage vigour and for control of pest and diseases.

Bramhastra (Bramha Missile)
Take 10 litre of desi cow urine, then add 3 kg of crushed neem leaves, then add 2 kg pulp of sitafal (sitafal, custard apple), 2 kg of papaya leaves, 2 kg of guava leaves, 2 kg of pomegranate.
Then boil this solution five times and keep this solution stable for 24 hours after boiling. Then filter this solution with cloth and storage this pesticide in can or bottles.
Spray against sucking pests (2 litre in 100 litre of water) pod borer and fruit borer.

Agniastra (Agni Missile)

Take 10 litre of desi cow urine in a pot and 1 kg of tabaccco leaves (crushed) add 500 g green chilli (crushed), 500 g desi garlic (crushed), 5 kg neem leave (crushed). Boil this solution five times. Keep it stable for 24 hrs filter this with cloth and store it in can or bottles.
Spray against leaf hopper, stem borer, pod borer, fruit borer.
For Soil Pathogens/Diseases
1. Aeration in the soil.
2. Application of trychoderma and other effective micro organism in the soil.
Grow marigold (creator Alkaloids–Alphatethonile)
Apply 250 kg/acre neem cake
Apply jiwamrita
Apply neem cake before sowing/planting
Leaf spot and leaf rust disease
• In 100 litre water, add 3-4 litre of sour butter milk (Lassi) and spray on the plant.
• Take 200 g of green ginger and make pulb by grinding. Add this pulp in 2 litre of water and boil it properly.
• Cool it.
In other pot take 5 litre of milk, boil it well and let it cool.

Former prof & Head Deptt of vegetable crops , PAU ,
Now Advisor, Organic Agriculture

Dear Dr.J.S.Kanwar,
Thanks for providing the data's for preparation of organic pesticides. Is it profitable to start the organic farming, if one wants to start minimum how much land is required.
With Regards,
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