Organic Farm Input



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The basis problem with organic agriculture is farm input. We can provide you all the inputs related to the organic farming. Like organic planting material, Organic Manure, Vermi Compost, Neem Manure, Neem Cake, Neem Cake powder, Neem Oil, Herbal spray, Trichodrama powder, Azactobactor culture, Earth Worms any thing special you need at a very competitive rate. Please contact us.

If you want to know in detail on organic certification please contact us. Please send me your private message with contact information we will contact you very soon.

Organic agriculture is one of the Oldest concept of agriculture. Which is on highly demanded in today's world. A lot of people are interested to do the organic agriculture But they don't have proper knowledge and guidance.

The organic agriculture is totally based on the certification. First of all the farmer have to register with a certification agency, Then after as per the rule farmer follow the cultivation he use farm input only approved by the govt mostly they are natural. Later on at the end of every crop( six month) the certification agency do the inspection. After the three year if the certification agency is satisfied then they issue the certificate of organic. The certificate is provided for the land. what ever will be cultivated the produce will be Organic from that land if the planting material is not non organic.

*Benefits of Organic Farming:
Disease and Pest Resistance
For instance, in an orange grove infested with scale, he restored the mineral balance to part of the soil and the trees growing in that part became clean while the rest remained diseased.
By the same means he grew healthy rosebushes between rows that were riddled by insects, and tomato and cucumber plants, both healthy and diseased, where the vines intertwined. Northern observed that the bugs ate up the diseased and refused to touch the healthy plants!
Weed Competitiveness
Weeds are nature’s band-aids, placed by the wisdom of creation to heal and restore damaged soils. When farmers husband the life of the soil, as they do in organic agriculture, the improved conditions dissuade many weeds and favor their crops. The crops, being healthier, are also better able to compete with those weeds that are present.

*Disadvantages of Organic Farming:
Proponents of industrialized agriculture point to its superior productivity. In the short term, this yield is possible by expending massive inputs of chemicals and machinery, working over bland fields of a single crop (monoculture).
However, over the longer time frame, productivity advantages dwindle. In my years working with broadacre farmers in the wheatbelt of WA, it was common for them to remark on how much richer pastures and crops were in their youth.
Industrialized agriculture thrashes the land, and diminishes its soil life to the point where it can no longer function to convert available organic matter into soil fertility. Productivity begins to wane, and attempts to bolster it with increasing chemical inputs (common advice from farm consultants) has a similar effect to flogging a dead horse.
Because it relies on living soil to build fertility, the benefits of organic farming for soil life is fundamental to its methods.benefits organic farming soil
Organic farming benefits food production without destroying our environmental resources, ensuring sustainability for not only the current but also future generations.
While their conventional counterparts may sow by direct drilling of seed into herbicide treated soils, organic farmers are usually at least partly dependent on cultivation to remove weeds prior to sowing. In contrast to cultivation, direct drilling does not mechanically disrupt soil structure and removes the risk of exposed soil being lost to wind or water erosion.
This is a valid argument where farmers are working marginal quality soils. However, the structure of agrichemically-deadened soils is weakened by the corresponding loss of soil life and thus unable to maintain its integrity under occasional cultivation. So it’s a circular argument!
Structurally sound (life-rich) soils may be cultivated regularly without significant damage, particularly if protected appropriately by windbreaks and Keyline soil conservation measures.
Even the need to cultivate may be questioned… After noticing rice thriving wild amongst weeds on roadsides, Japanese alternative agriculturalist Masanobu Fukuoka succeeded in establishing crops by broadcasting seed coated in clay onto untilled land.

The basis problem with organic agriculture is farm input. We can provide you all the inputs related to the organic farming. Like organic planting material, Organic Manure, Vermi Compost, Neem Manure, Neem Cake, Neem Cake powder, Neem Oil, Herbal spray, Trichodrama powder, Azactobactor culture, Earth Worms any thing special you need at a very competitive rate. Please contact us.

If you want to know in detail on organic certification please contact us. Please send me your private message with contact information we will contact you very soon.

Organic agriculture is one of the Oldest concept of agriculture. Which is on highly demanded in today's world. A lot of people are interested to do the organic agriculture But they don't have proper knowledge and guidance.

The organic agriculture is totally based on the certification. First of all the farmer have to register with a certification agency, Then after as per the rule farmer follow the cultivation he use farm input only approved by the govt mostly they are natural. Later on at the end of every crop( six month) the certification agency do the inspection. After the three year if the certification agency is satisfied then they issue the certificate of organic. The certificate is provided for the land. what ever will be cultivated the produce will be Organic from that land if the planting material is not non organic.
