Organic Certification Info Req



New Member
Dear members

Greetings of the day

Can any one guide me with the process of obtaining Organic Certification for retail of organic products and how much price it costs :)

Looking forward for your advise

Best Regards

Nakul :)


Well-Known Member
Hi nakul

Organic certification -standards and procedures

Converting a farm as organic:

Converting a farm to organic requires the development of a viable and sustainable farm-ecosystem over a period of time.The certification process aims to convert the growing area to comply with requirement sof this standard within a period of 3 years.


1.Initially , a farm is inspected and a report is lodged with the certification review committee(CRC).If CRC recommends the farm enter the certification system , it will be placed "Under Supervision" for the first 12
months.During this time ,produce or products cannot be sold as 'Cerified Organic" or as 'IN CONVERSION TO Organic".

2.After 12 months , the farm may be upgraded to "In Conversion" if the second inspection is satisfactory.The farm must then complete two years "In Conversion" before it is considered for certifying as "Organic"(otherwise known as "A GRADE Organic")

3.The"In conversion"period may be reduced - but only where it can be demonstrated a farm had,during the years immediately preceding conversion,used techniques closely allied to those of organic agriculture and which meet all testing and inspection requirements .Whatever the length of the conversion period,product may not be sold as "In conversion to Organic" until a farm has been under an inspection system for 12 months.

It is similar to an insurance company converting life insurance quotes into a complete life insurance contract. First there must be an examination, then once the person's suitability is confirmed the contract is then finalised. In this case, the farm must tick all the boxes and prove itself to be fully organic for a set time. Once satisfied, the committee will then recognise the farm as

In this case, the farm must tick all the boxes and prove itself to be fully organic for a set time. Once satisfied, the committee will then recognize the farm as organic

4.In the case of other farm activities not being certified , those activities must be clearly separated and the products must be of a different nature from the certified produces or products. There can not be organic and non -organic growing (parallel production)of the same species on the same property-or on any other property under the same grower's management or control.

5.When a defined area is certified , the remainder of the farm must be converted to organic within 10 years.

Organizations inspecting and certifying :

1. TNAU-Coimbatore.Tamilnadu
2. APOF-Association for promotion of organic farming,Bangalore-560046.
3. INDOCERT- (refer also-'useful links' page
4. ECOCERT-Chennai.
5.Low-cost internal certification schemes like



New Member
Dear Mr.Ashwni

I appreciate your reply !!!!

But here i am not looking for certification for any farm , i just want to know weather i need any certification for purchasing the organic products and then retailing them in market through a shop . If yes then please let me knw asap :)

Thank you
