need information on sheep farming....



Well-Known Member
Hi amar

Sheep can be reared as free range (where there is no shortage of land) or under housing inside a shed. It is a very important component in dry land farming system. With very low investments can be made in to a profitable venture for small, marginal farmers and landless labourers.



Well adopted to environment and poor management practices

The meat rate is increasing day by day

Sheep are suitable for wool and meat

Average of 1-2 kids per sheep per delivery

Average meat recovery of 22-30 kg/goat

Penning leads to manurial value to land


Local breeds: Varies according to region

Exotic breeds

Merino – Wool purpose

Ram Boullet – Wool and meat

Cheviot – Meat

South Down - Meat


Initial cost of eight month old sheep: Rs. 1000/- to Rs. 1200/-
Sheep are sold after 6-7 years old @ Rs. 800 to Rs. 1000/-
Rams are sold at less than year and half old @ Rs. 1500/- – 2000/-

For details regarding:

Availability of good breeds

Requirements and Making of Goat sheds
Feeding of goats
Production of healthy goats

Please contact nearest Veterinary Health Centers or Department of Agriculture.

