need help,pest infestation in gmelina arborea,KUMIL,GUMHAR

hello sir/mam,
i have 9 month old gmelina arborea+melia dubia in 8 acres,
in gmelina arborea there is severe pest infestation (all the leaves have fallen and the terminal bud has dried up),there are tiny insects on the under side of leaves.
as i am doing zero budget farming,i tried spraying bramahastra(1spray),agniastra(2spray),azadiractin(1spray) but of no effect.
can any one give me advice.


pest control melina arboria

we have in our plantations effectively controlled pests by attracting the birds, for which we have planted all seasen wild fruit trees/ plants such as singapore cherry and have made small ponds underneath the trees, atleast one such tree per acre of the plantation. The birds will manage the pests.


Try using cow urine fresh 500gm/knapsack every alternate day.irrigate if possible.
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Active Member
pest control

Equal parts of garlic and neem seeds, soak in water overnight, grind and filter out the juice the next day. Dilute to 10 %, add herbal soap solution for adhesion and spray (on the underside). Repeat after 2 days. If you find any local plants that are pest resistant, and also not eaten by cows and goats, you could use the same procedure to extract juice and spray.
