My Introduction



New Member
Hi. My name is Vivek Ghai and I am an entrepreneur. I have a BPO in NOIDA and with one more like minded partner, have just jumped into farming. Just procured a piece of land 8 hectares.

I think the future belongs to Organic. Therefore, we only want to do organic farming.

Any help in this will be highly appreciated.


Organic farming is a good option. Initially get the soil and water in your farm tested. Then based on the results you can contact the horticulture officer at the department and get consultancy on organic farming. Please get some training on the same before you get into it.


Organic Farming

Dear Sir,

Your decision to go organic is on the right direction, at this moment, the
demand for certified organically produced food crops is by high-end
consumers in Europe and the trend is fast catching even in Middle East
Japan Australia and the Indian food chain.

To be truly organic you will have get your cultivation certified by a
IFOAM accredited Inspector based in your country who will permit you to
use the ECO labeling of your products while marketing to fetch the value
addition price in the market.

On the farming aspects, all kind of agro chemicals, and modified seeds
are totally prohibited, a wide range of approved chemicals, and herbicides
are available in the market, including certified compost manure not made
out of municipal waste or sludge.

Up keeping and maintenance of the environment, wildlife, birds etc etc
are also in the long list of protection to be qualified. Organic farming
truly heals the planet mother earth.

Naheer Taip


Hi. My name is Vivek Ghai and I am an entrepreneur. I have a BPO in NOIDA and with one more like minded partner, have just jumped into farming. Just procured a piece of land 8 hectares.

I think the future belongs to Organic. Therefore, we only want to do organic farming.

Any help in this will be highly appreciated.

if u grow vegetables we provide buy back offer

Best of luck

This is the right time to enter in to organic farm. I wish you all the best.First you you choose the which type of products you want to cultivate as per your soil fertility. Consult near horticulture officer and consultant.



Right Direction...

I am very happy and you are on the right direction. I suggest you read a book called "The One Straw Revolution" by Masanobu Fukuoka its a very inspiring story of a scientist who goes natural way of farming.

All the best, keep us posted on your moves so we do get some inspiration too..


Hi, I suggest that you adopt ZERO BUDGET NATURAL FARMING as advocated by Guruji Shri Subhash Palekar. It will be important to attend a workshop conducted by him. Try Googling to get all relevant details. After a couple of years, you can automatically progress to DO NOTHING pattern of farming.
All the best.
KS Raj
