mushroom farming



New Member
Hi ...

i want to start mushroom farming in jharkhand .. buthave no idea about the market , logistics, infrastructure requirements , technical know how, challenges ....etc ...
pls suggest me

thanks priti

kirti s

Well-Known Member
musroom farming

Hi preti,
Its wonderfull idea to cultivate mushroom it demands very less time and easy to cultivate there are three types of mushroom which can be commercialy cultivated.

1.Oyster:-requires 25 to 30 degree celcious higely nutritive but keeping quality is poor on same day of harevest it should be sold.

2. Milky :- whcih demands around 36 to 38 degrre celcious good keeping quality good price.

3. Button :- which demands around 16 to 18 degree celcious higly nutritive fit in to all sorts of value addition grate demand in market prefered by all.

u decide which type of mushroom u want to grow.


Kirti Naik


Hi preti,
Its wonderfull idea to cultivate mushroom it demands very less time and easy to cultivate there are three types of mushroom which can be commercialy cultivated.

1.Oyster:-requires 25 to 30 degree celcious higely nutritive but keeping quality is poor on same day of harevest it should be sold.

2. Milky :- whcih demands around 36 to 38 degrre celcious good keeping quality good price.

3. Button :- which demands around 16 to 18 degree celcious higly nutritive fit in to all sorts of value addition grate demand in market prefered by all.

u decide which type of mushroom u want to grow.


Kirti Naik
My two bits based on western india (Gujarat / Maharashtra/Goa)
Oyster - Keeping quality does not matter as they can be dried. But no demand at all. you can get dry chinese oyster mushrooms cheaper than growing them here.
Milky- I assume you are talking about Calocybe indica - we call them false buttons as many traders here were selling them as buttons for the higher price. on their own they have no following.
Button: Huge demand in the market but very tricky to grow in indian (hot-humid) conditions...
