mushroom farming



New Member

Please give me info about setting a mushroom cultivation farm.
- capital/cost
-market for mushroom
-profit margin



Hi ,

There are different types of edible mushrooms that can be cultivated. IF you can be specific about which one you would want to cultivate, we will be able to give you a correct idea of the farm. and also please mention where are you located???


Hi RAshid,

Oyster mushrooms are the third largest cultivated mushroom. Oyster mushroom can grow at moderate temperature ranging from 20 to 300 C and humidity 55-70% for a period of 6 to 8 months in a year. It can also be cultivated in summer months by providing the extra humidity required for its growth. In hilly areas above 900m. (m.s.l.), the best growing season is during March/April to September/October and in the lower regions from September/October to March/April.

The procedure for oyster mushroom cultivation can be divided into following four steps:

(i) Preparation or procurement of spawn

(ii) Substrate preparation

(iii) Spawning of substrate

(iv) Crop management

A pure culture of Pleurotus sp. is needed for inoculation on sterilized substrate. It takes 10-15 days for mycelial growth on cereal grains. It has been reported that jowar and bajra grains are superior over wheat grains.

Oyster mushroom can be cultivated on a large number of agro-wastes having cellulose and lignin which helps in more enzyme production of cellulose that is correlated with more yield.

Freshly prepared (20-30 days old) grain spawn is best for spawning. Old spawn (3-6 months) stored at room temperature (at 20-300 C) forms a very thick mat like structure due to mycelium aggregation and sometimes young pinheads and fruit bodies start developing in the spawn bottle itself. The spawning should be done in a pre-fumigated room (48hrs.with 2% formaldehyde).

Spawned bags, trays or boxes are arranged in a dark cropping room on raised platforms or shelves for mycelium colonization of the substrate. Although mycelium can grow from 10 to 330 C, but the optimum temperature for spawn running lies between 22 to 260 C.

The right shape for picking can be judged by the shape and size of the fruit body. The fruit bodies should be harvested before spore release, by twisting so that the stubs are not left on the beds (straw). It is advisable to pick all the mushrooms at one time from a cube and the next flush will appear at one time.

Ashwini S

Hi RAshid,

MArket strategy

This mushroom is not as popular as white button mushroom in the domestic market. A few units are cultivating it commercially for export market. Cultivation of this mushroom on commercial basis would be more profitable as compared to white button mushroom as capital costs are low.

The cultivation of this variety of mushroom is very simple and economical in rural areas where raw materials and facilities required are easily available.

Marketing of fresh oyster mushroom does not pose any problem at present due to very low production. However, as production increases linkage of producers with domestic markets and export oriented processing units will need to be developed to ensure remunerative prices to the producers.

Ashwini S

Hello Dr. A.N.Roy,

Do you provide spawn for oyster mushroom cultivation in bulk and also do u buy dry or fresh oyster mushroom.


Oyster Mushroom

Hello Dr. A.N.Roy,

Do you provide spawn for oyster mushroom cultivation in bulk and also do u buy dry or fresh oyster mushroom.


i am from manipur i just wanted to cultivate/plantation of mushrooms in regarding to that what should i have to do? Do i have the chance to get funding from related departments
