mushroom Cultivation



New Member
Dear friend,

I am kiran from basti (U.P) . I have some land in my village where i want to start mushroom cultivation. So, for that I want to know in Uttar paradesh Any Govt. agency or private agency will help me or support meto start this farming.Help and support in terms of Training ( how to do farming of mushroom) Marketig of final product.Where i will get the intial support to start this farming.Will Govt will give me any subsidery in startig of this mushroom cultivation?

May be this mushroom cultivation will help my village poor farmers to improve their life.

kirti s

Well-Known Member
Dear sir,
off course it will help the poor and also help in erriadicating mallnutrition. to my knlowdge up gov is encouraged mushroom grately so visit nearest horticulture/agriculutre department for further details.


Kirti Naik


New Member
Thank you so much

Dear Kirti,

Thank you so much for replying me and showing me correct path, but this much of support is not enough for me i need some more detail, like in U.P where is this kind of department who will trained me in mushroom cultivation and also for marketing of final product.Can you tell me name of some specefic Organisations Govt / Private who help in this kind of projects.

Looking forward for some more help from you.

Thanking you

With regs

Kiran M.
Please contact..
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