Article Mr. Amogh S Jagthap - Organic farming



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In the technology-driven world we are in today, we take pride in being and rearing engineers and doctors. Talking about the nobility of all professions has come to be more of lip service than an ingrained and practised thought.

Thankfully, at all times there have been people thinking out of the box. Mr. Amogh S Jagthap, for instance, is an MBA holder who chose to toil with soil rather than face laptops every single day.


Why did you decide to go in for farming after your MBA?

While I was studying, I met lot of people from the Engineering and Medicine fields. There were people working in companies. But, I was disappointed to hear their experiences in the corporate field. I wanted to experience something real and I found that in agriculture. Today I feel extremely happy. This is how I dived into agriculture.

Most farmers seem to be earning low revenue from their farming investment. What do you do differently?

The issue is that most farmers are uneducated and because of that they are not updated about the technology we have in place today and how it can help them earn better profits. If they are willing to spend time and understand about various technologies and understand better about the upcoming materials and machinery; if they invest in quality seeds and be better prepared before actually indulging in the farming practices, they can build better profits.

Did you go through any formal training before taking up this venture?


Not really. My father, Mr. V Sambaji Rao, is extremely interested in farming and he used to farm on a part time basis. As children, on weekends we used to spend time on the farm as well. That way, I had some sense of farming. I kept continuing on the same basis and I am successful today.

Initially my father used to help me out with tips and tricks. Then I have got trained with some of the training classes in Mandya. I was also regularly attending the GKVK Exhibition in Bangalore, Krishi Mela at VC Farm in Mandya and Mysore Krishi Mela. Those have been my source of good knowledge on farming.

Where is your farm located?

It is in Mandya.

How long did it take for you to realise profits through farming?

In my opinion, earning money comes in stages. You can start earning money in 3 months/6 months/5 years/15 years. We need to choose what we want and plan our work accordingly. Every plan should be backed up with extensive knowledge on what you are venturing into.

Does organic farming fetch you more profits?

We have a local market nearby on the highway road. I have my own organic vegetables and fruit shop there. I make better profits because that is the way I sell my crops. I don't give my products to any other dealers.

How do you manage the unpredictable agricultural issues like bad weather, crop diseases etc.?

I use ginger-garlic paste mixed with neem oil and spray it on my crops once a week. That way I keep diseases and pests at bay. I also us organic fertilizers for the soil. Unpredictable weather conditions are managed as and when we face it. There are not much precautions one can take for that situation. The maximum one can do is plan well so that we cultivate crops best for the season.

Can other farmers replicate your farming model?

100%. If farming is done passionately and with 100% dedication, there is no stopping to the route of success. There are many successful people in this field.

Considering shortage of water etc., what are the best crops for irrigated and rain fed conditions?

We have to use technologies like drip irrigation. I recommend people don't opt for crops that demand a lot of water. Employing drip irrigation saves a lot of water. There are various varieties of fruits and vegetables that can be cultivated which needs less water.

Please tell us about multi cropping and integrated farming.

Multi cropping is planting 2-3 different crops at the same time. These crops should be planted at good distances from each other. I have planted papaya in 2 acres and I have planted marigold flowers in between them to keep away pests. I have also planted watermelon. That way in 2 acres, I have planted 3 crops at the same time. This saves effort, water consumption and money. If you plant it separately, you have to get 6 acres. So, in short I have used crops that would traditionally need 6 acres in 2 acres of land. So, if you plan out your farm, you can come up with ideas for smart farming.

Do you have any other advice for farmers?

Farmers need to get well educated about farming practices. They have to constantly up skill themselves in terms of farming requirements. There must be training in place in every village. Most farmers are unaware of how to grow their crops efficiently, how to keep pests at bay, how to get a good yield, market their produce. They simply keep doing whatever they have been doing. High quality seeds are still unknown to many.

For instance, we are going for mulching sheets and we have already employed drip irrigation. So, farmers must have first-hand information about improvisations they can bring about. We have to employ all things possible so that we spend less money in warding off pests etc. and this will spike up profits.

How do you manage the sales and marketing part?

Whatever I produce in bulk quantities, I sell at the market place. The ones that I grow in small scale, I sell at my own shop. I have good contacts with direct customers as well. I keep them informed of whatever produce I have. I also take orders and deliver directly to their homes.

For how long have you been doing this?

This is something I have been doing since the last 3 years. Our farming practices that my father began has been on since the last 15 years. I did try my stint at the corporate world. But, I quit and I am now focus completely on agriculture.

Do you visualize yourself being involved in farming in the next 5 - 10 years?

I visualize doing this lifelong.

Are you satisfied with the revenue you generate through farming as of now?

Yes, I am totally satisfied. Even when it comes to the field, I am my own boss. So I can take control over things. I do not have to impress anyone.

For anyone, currently in the IT field, who wants to venture into the agricultural sector do you have advice?

People who are in the corporate field generally feel that agriculture is very hard and difficult. They feel it is a lot of physical stress with less or no returns. But this is not true. It is all about harnessing knowledge, working with passion. Also, with the advent of technology, agriculture has been made simpler. You can earn good money as well, as long as everything is planned well. The trick is to farm smart. I believe people should burst the myth that this is a difficult job.

What is the best combination when it comes to integrated farming?

If you have one acre, it is best to have mixed farming. You must have forest based products, like sandalwood, teak wood, coconuts, then cultivate some fruit items for some parts of the land. Likewise, you must have a mix of it all. Integrated farming fetches you more profits. Also breed some cattle as well, like sheep, cow, poultry etc.

Thinking that it takes many acres of cultivation to make a profit is again a myth. If you plan your farming activities well, you can earn well from a small plot of land and water as well.

Will biodynamic agriculture help?

Yes, it is highly beneficial. It is an organic thing. Employing biodynamic agriculture increases the soil fertility. Hence, the yield also goes high.

Does your father still help you with the farming activities?

Yes, he is very much with me on the farm.

Contact :

Mr.Amogh S.Jagthap,
Green Valley Restaurants and Farm
Malavalli-Mysuru Main road
Mandya District
