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Fruit growers are always on the lookout for methods to increase the sweetness and juiciness of their fruits. Chemical fertilizers like DAP and urea may make the fruits grow big and even gain weight but they do nothing to increase the quality i.e the sweetness and juiciness of fruits. And we all know the main attraction of fruits lies in their taste, not in their size.
Organic manures and growth promoters are a sureshot method way to improve the quality of all fruits. But if orchard owners purchased organic inputs from the market like organic manures, neem cake etc. it would cost them dearly. Is there any other way which is cheap and yet viable for fruit orchards? Yes, there is. It is to produce one's own natural, organic fertilizers, growth promoters and biopesticides from the raw materials available in the orchard or in the neighbouring village.
Trial and experimentation has shown us that if fruit trees are supplied with nutrients in a liquid form thier roots absorb this liquid nourishment very quickly from the soil. The soil microorganisms also multiply rapidly when liquid fertilizers are applied to the soil. When soil health improves, the quality of fruits improves naturally and rapidly.
There are a number of organic, liquid manures which can be prepared easily and cheaply on fruit orchards and applied regularly either through the medium of irrigation water or through direct spraying. The sweetness and juiciness of fruits improves as a result and so does their shelf life. The fruit trees develop greater immunity to pest and disease attack. The cost of this system is no more than the cost of chemical fertilizers and insecticides. In fact it works out to be cheaper and more economical in the long run with better quality fruits year after year.
This system can easily be learnt within 5-6 days. It is a practical, no frills, down to earth system.It is possible to get 300-400 coconuts per tree every year by following this system as compared to the national average of 60 coconuts per tree. If fruit growers are interested in learning this organic system and applying it to their orchards, kindly send me a private message. Dr. Anjali Pathak
Organic manures and growth promoters are a sureshot method way to improve the quality of all fruits. But if orchard owners purchased organic inputs from the market like organic manures, neem cake etc. it would cost them dearly. Is there any other way which is cheap and yet viable for fruit orchards? Yes, there is. It is to produce one's own natural, organic fertilizers, growth promoters and biopesticides from the raw materials available in the orchard or in the neighbouring village.
Trial and experimentation has shown us that if fruit trees are supplied with nutrients in a liquid form thier roots absorb this liquid nourishment very quickly from the soil. The soil microorganisms also multiply rapidly when liquid fertilizers are applied to the soil. When soil health improves, the quality of fruits improves naturally and rapidly.
There are a number of organic, liquid manures which can be prepared easily and cheaply on fruit orchards and applied regularly either through the medium of irrigation water or through direct spraying. The sweetness and juiciness of fruits improves as a result and so does their shelf life. The fruit trees develop greater immunity to pest and disease attack. The cost of this system is no more than the cost of chemical fertilizers and insecticides. In fact it works out to be cheaper and more economical in the long run with better quality fruits year after year.
This system can easily be learnt within 5-6 days. It is a practical, no frills, down to earth system.It is possible to get 300-400 coconuts per tree every year by following this system as compared to the national average of 60 coconuts per tree. If fruit growers are interested in learning this organic system and applying it to their orchards, kindly send me a private message. Dr. Anjali Pathak