Mangoes(Totapuri), Kharbooja(muskmelon) and Tarbooj(Watermelon)-Bulk Buyers required

Dear All

I am looking for bulk buyers for the following fruits:

1. Mangoes(Totapuri)-Rs.23 Per KG
2. Muskmelon(Safed Jaali wale(Punjab)-Rs.9 Per KG
3. Watermelon(Mateere)-Small-Rs.5 Per KG

All the above products will be supllied in excellent condition.

I am looking for purchasers who can purchase the above products on daily basis, weekly basis or monthly basis.

The best rates are provided in front of the products, which does not include transportation cost.

My farm is situated 100 KM from Delhi.

Interested parties can contact me on or call me on 09891244556.
