Mango Tree under attach.



New Member
Please note that I am facing a new problem with my mango tree. Following details explain the nature of the problem.
A sticky substance (gum) is observed on the stem.
Also a dry & dark residue fallen at the base. (seems to be a chewed stem).
A closer look of the stem after removing the external skin reveals that the same is eaten from teh within. ( It is observed that the interiors of the stem are eaten. However the centre of the stem is not eaten. Only the portion in between the centre & exterior is consumed.)
We found the culprit a white colours 3 inch long worm. Very tough. We have to kill it with lot efforts. The head / mouth is black/brown with 2 strong jaws to chew the stem interiors.

I need to know what I can do to save my mango tree.
Presently it is full with the flowers. Age of the tree is around 6-7 years. Type – Sindhu.
Please suggest.What is the general name of this problem. What is the treatment. How to prevent this problem for the safety of other trees.> Thanking you in anticipation of receiving a valuable solution.

Jayesh M. Kothare


New Member
Its Stem Borer

its nothing but Stem borer- You will find small hole on tree trunk. This is serious pest in Mango, where tree start drying from its apex, every thing happens suddenly the total tree dries and die. If u find such hole , get Nuvan (dichlorovas/DDVP) from market, prepare solution of Nuvan 5-8 ml /lit of water. Inject the solution through syringe. Plug that hole by mud or cow dung. Nuvan is fumigant it will act more efficient than other pesticide. You can use kerosine (Rokel) in next round ulternate to nuvan. If possible get 16 mm GI wire make a bend at one side , insert it in hole, move/shake it 360 degree, it helps to drag out that borer. Also keep drenching of Chloropyriphos 5-6 ml per lit water drenching at root zone , you can make 20 holes in soil and pour that solution and irrigate immidiatly also keep applying Pure neemcake powder it also helps in getting out soil nematodes. Hope this will help you. And Pls dont irrigate too much near tree trunk.

kirti s

Well-Known Member
Dear sir

Damage by Stem borer is caused by grub of its beetle as it feeds inside the stems, boring upward that result in drying of branches and stem.
Apply emulsion of Monocrotophos (0.05%) or DDVP (0.05%) as suggested
