Please note that I am facing a new problem with my mango tree. Following details explain the nature of the problem.
A sticky substance (gum) is observed on the stem.
Also a dry & dark residue fallen at the base. (seems to be a chewed stem).
A closer look of the stem after removing the external skin reveals that the same is eaten from teh within. ( It is observed that the interiors of the stem are eaten. However the centre of the stem is not eaten. Only the portion in between the centre & exterior is consumed.)
We found the culprit a white colours 3 inch long worm. Very tough. We have to kill it with lot efforts. The head / mouth is black/brown with 2 strong jaws to chew the stem interiors.
I need to know what I can do to save my mango tree.
Presently it is full with the flowers. Age of the tree is around 6-7 years. Type – Sindhu.
Please suggest.What is the general name of this problem. What is the treatment. How to prevent this problem for the safety of other trees.> Thanking you in anticipation of receiving a valuable solution.
Jayesh M. Kothare
Please note that I am facing a new problem with my mango tree. Following details explain the nature of the problem.
A sticky substance (gum) is observed on the stem.
Also a dry & dark residue fallen at the base. (seems to be a chewed stem).
A closer look of the stem after removing the external skin reveals that the same is eaten from teh within. ( It is observed that the interiors of the stem are eaten. However the centre of the stem is not eaten. Only the portion in between the centre & exterior is consumed.)
We found the culprit a white colours 3 inch long worm. Very tough. We have to kill it with lot efforts. The head / mouth is black/brown with 2 strong jaws to chew the stem interiors.
I need to know what I can do to save my mango tree.
Presently it is full with the flowers. Age of the tree is around 6-7 years. Type – Sindhu.
Please suggest.What is the general name of this problem. What is the treatment. How to prevent this problem for the safety of other trees.> Thanking you in anticipation of receiving a valuable solution.
Jayesh M. Kothare