Male buffaloe
Livestock plays an important role in sustainable agriculture, since they can counteract two environmental problems: declining soil fertility and soil erosion. They feed forage and grain, and produce manure which helps sustain and build the soil for future forage and crop production.
The scheme aims at salvaging male buffalo calves and rearing them economically for meat production and recovery of hides to enlarge raw material base for leather industry and improve availability of by-products, thus leading to creation of employment opportunities in rural areas.
Government of India has launched salvage of male buffaloe calves scheme for the following advantages
1. Availability of buffaloe meat for export and domestic markets .
2. The activity will enlarge raw material base for the leather industry .
3. Improve availability of by-products such as meat cum bone meal, tallow, hides , bio-fertilizer,brushes, combs and buttons etc
4. Improves India’s foreing exchange earnings through export of buffaloe meat and leather product.
5. Create avenues of economic gain from genetic material which otherwise go waste by linking livestock farmers and meat leather industry
6. Increases employment opportunities .
Normally, when a milch animal is purchased under a bank loan, a calf at foot (of one month age) is also purchased along with the buffaloe . Half of such calves are females and half of the calves are males . The female can be grown as quality buffaloes if they are graded murrah or other good quality breeds. Since farmers will have 50% of male calves and these are not properly cared for their best utilization . Male buffaloe calves which can be covered with the proposed scheme.
The rearing of male calves for bull beef has become a specialised industry with some operators rearing up to 5,000 calves annually. The profitability of calf rearing depends on the purchase price of four 6 – 12 months old calves, with low input cost of rearing for another one year . As a result the industry has become very efficient and price conscious.
Farmers in neighbouring countries like Pakistan are successfully rearing the industrial calf rearing units .
Male buffaloe calf rearing from 10-50 can be started . There is government of of india scheme for financing by commercial banks.
2 Commercial units
(Model – II) - for those purchasing calves 10-50 calves IndicativeUnit cost : Rs.87000/- per rearing of 10 male calves (Purchase of calves, construction of shed, concentrate feed, fodder cultivation, medicines, vaccines, insurance etc.) 25% of the outlay (33 1/3 % in NE States including Sikkim and hilly areas*) as back ended capital subsidy subject to a ceiling of Rs 21,750 for a unit of 10 calves ( Rs 29,000/- for NE States including Sikkim and hilly areas*).
Maximum permissible capital subsidy is Rs 1.09 lakh( Rs 1.45 lakh for NE states including Sikkim and hilly areas*) for a 50 calf unit.
No interest subsidy is available under this component.
Please contact the under signed for further details and project report.
G.Ananda Rao B.Sc (Ag)
Vijaya Agro consultants, 9703128495