looking for the land


jay dixit

Dear All,
I am looking for the
1. Investment profile of agribusiness in Konkan area in maharashtra
2. Looking for land in the same area
3. Also i want to kow the funding agencies for the same.
4. Land in Sindudurga, Ratnagiri or Raigad Districts is prefered
I ma interested to know any sort of information in the same

konkan area..

Dear Ashwini
thank you for the reply
I want to know how to approach such kendras i e Krishi Vigyn Kendra
whether i need to contact the nearest kendra where i m looking for the land
also whether they provide the other information of the patterns and options for cultivation i mean they do have the information centre and expertise?
Also Could you please help me getting other information in this regard?
i will plan to reach the kendra probably in sindhudurga or ratnagiri

best regards,

Jay Dixit
