Wanted Looking for Flower Farming land in South Gujarat



New Member
Namaste !!!

I am planning to move back to India and very interested to get involved in Flower Farming.

Looking for bigger farming land in south gujarat.

Dear Sir,
I am an Agro-Consultant in Pune having 18 years on field experience, regarding flower cultivation I would like to suggest you that you go for Green House Flower cultivation project with minimum one acre ( Dutch Roses / Carnation / Jerbera / Anturium etc.)

We can provide turn key consultancy since from Project preparation / Finance assistance from bank / Govt. Subsidies / Green House Erection/ Plantation / Production / Marketing etc...

For more details you can contact me on 9822029549 or Email me agripreneursindiaclub@gmail.com

Thanking you
Vinnayakk Kumbhar
An Agro-Consultant,Pune


Well-Known Member
Dear sir, Even 3-5 acres of land is enough for taking up floriculture under protected cultivation.

Please contact us for Bankable project reports and technical guidance:

G.Ananda Rao B.Sc (Ag)
Ex.Agricultural Officer (Dept of Agril, AP) &
Rtd.Agricultural Banker (SyndicateBank)
Vijaya Agro Consultants
Yanamalakuduru, Vijayawada -520010, AP

myself Bhaskar Kolambe
M/s Professional Property Services.
we have land parcels in south gujrath
&Maharastra on verious places. if u interested kindly send your brief profile with contact detail.
cont pls +919372952239
+917066623757 wts alp


New Member
Hello, I'm Parimal Desai, how much land you need for your project? I am having 1.9 Acre farm with fencing, canal water, 2.5 Km. far from Highway, at Gorgam Village (Dist. Valsad).
If you need more land, I can provide in Dharampur about 50 Acres. You may call me at 98795 57019
