Lands in Russia from 5 to 10000+ Acres



New Member
10000+ Acres Agricultural Lands For Sale\Rent\investment in Russia, Moscow region

Price for 2500+ Acres from 55000 Rupees\ per acre (1000 USD)
Price for 1000+ Acres from 84000 Rupees\ per acre (1500 USD)
Price for 5+ Acres from 2 lakhs\per acre (9000 usd)

Minimum 5 Acres
Different locations, lakes, rivers, hills, valleys.

Approximately 100 km from Moscow to the south(M5 road).

Rental prices from 10 USD(550 Rupees) per acre per year
Minimal rental plots 500 Acres.

Q Whether an outsider can buy the land?
A Outsider can buy this land by creating a Limited Liabilities company in Russia (price - 300$).

Q If so whether we would get the citizenship?
A Citizenship is obtained via naturalization - 5 years of leaving in Russia, you cand find details in wikipedia - russin citizenship.

Q Whether it is an agriculture land?
A Yes is all agricultural lands.

Q If so what cultivation can be done?
A There were wheat, corn, cabage, cucumber, cabbage, carrot, onion, garlic cultivation.

Q Soil conditions?
A Siol condition is fine, it had rest for 3+ years,

Q Groundwater availability?
A Groundwaters are from 5 to 15 meters deep.

Joint investments can be discussed.

phone +79852223728 (russia)
skype alexandr.potapov

All documents available.

Best regards
Project manager
