Juice(soft drinks) factory



Am planning to start a small juice factory in Tamil Nadu. Need an advise from the expert that howmuch will be required investment for this proposed project in the initial level including land requirement and its value?

Thanks in advance for ur kind advise.


Senior Member
Juice factory

Juice factory can be started in a house small level, but FPO approval is required. Good manufacturing procedure is to be followed, Qualified chemist is required, Ro water should be used, small level also require an investment of around 25- 30 lakhs(capital investment, working capital);big level means several crores required.better you can interact with the chemists of existing units or other experts in this field, make an estimate and list the facilities required and cost of each based on your capacity respect to production and sales.


hai friend are u near to coimbatore better once u meet scientists in TNAU coimbatore of horticulture in that post harvest technology specially.... they will guide u correctly with no charges and fees..
