Inter-cropping with G9 banana



Active Member

I have the G9 banana plants of 3 months age and spacing between plants are 6 feet X 6 feet.
Please suggest me the vegetable I can plant there for Inter-cropping.


HI SIddharth,
1. Generally there is no any recommondation for taking intercrops in banana as there is always humid climate in banana orchard.
2. There is limited air and sunlight between banana plants.
3. Banana is heavy feeder crop. It is having shallow root system. It requires regular application of fertilizers both organic and inorganic.
4. Possibility of disease spread is more under humid conditions hence most of farmers donot prefer any intercrop in banana.
5. Onion for seed production is found suitable intercrop in banana at verious locations.
6. Cultivation of intercrops found beneficial after cutting of bunch from the plan.
&. After the bunch is removed you can inter crop with radish, yam, spinach.

Ashiwni S

Hi Ashwini,

Just wanted to confirm one thing here. Some agriculturist was suggesting that, ginger is a suitable crop to be done as intercrop in Banana orchard. I wanted to confirm, if ginger is suggested for intercrop or not ? Please suggest.
