information required about rabbit form

pelase give me detailed information to develop a rabbit farm. And also give informations about the diseases that rabbits can got and medicines to cure them. please inform us about marketting of rabbit mutton(live as well as dressed) and also rate per kg. is it profitable? please guide us whether is there need of rabbit mutton or not.


Well-Known Member

For details on rabbit farming please contact the nearest animal husbandry department.

The diseases

Rabbits suffer from a variety of common ailments that can by easily prevented by sensible measures. By having a general knowledge of these the rabbit owner can save money in visits to the vet as many conditions are easily treated at home.

· Abscesses are lumps that appear suddenly and are caused from fighting and from cuts and wounds sustained by sharp edges on feeders etc. The treatment for this condition is to clip the fur away from the wound, make an incision on the lower edge of this so that it can drain freely and then bathe with warm salty water or a mild antiseptic twice a day until it finishes discharging.

· Canker results from small mites that go inside the ear irritating it until causing a thin discharge which then forms a crust. The rabbit will shake its head and constantly try to scratch its ear. This can be treated with a canker lotion over several days. The hutch should be cleaned and disinfected.

· Coccidiosis is a distressing disease which rabbits develop by licking dirty feet or coats or by eating and drinking contaminated food and water. It appears in dirty hutches with unchanged bedding and unclean feed and water dishes. The rabbit loses weight and sits in a hunched position with its feet forward. There will be diarrhea with sudden weight loss. This disease causes large losses in the young rabbit but can be prevented with a coccidiostat in the pellets.

· Cold symptoms are sneezing and a nasal discharge. Usually not serious in itself the rabbit should still be isolated.

· Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the eye caused by bucks spraying urine, draughts, ammonia fumes, or a dusty atmosphere. An eye ointment available from the vet can easily treat this.

· Constipation usually is the reason for when a rabbit goes off its food and only produces hard dried up droppings. More greens should be provided to prevent this occuring.

· Heat stress will cause the rabbit to lie in a prostrate position panting rapidly. Keeping a bottle of water in the freezer and placing it in the cage near the rabbit can lower the temperature. Heat stress can occur suddenly and kill within only a few hours.

· Mastitis is an inflammation of the milk glands and often results from the teats being banged, often as the doe hops into the nest box to feed her young. A swelling will appear but an injection of penicillin will cure the infection.


pls dont venture into rabbit farming

dear sir i surveyd about rabbit farming for almost a year pls dont venture into it as profits are horrible and buyback agreements promised by companies dont work intstead try sheep or goat farming thank u
