information regarding tamarind powder

Dear sir/madam

I am a resident of Hyderabad. I am planning to start a new venture of manufacturing tamarind powder. So if anyone could provide me more information regarding this product, it would be of great help to me. I want to know about the product, its uses, the sales market (both domestic and export), availability of the manufacturing equipment, etc.


A process for manufacture of tamarind juice concentrate was developed by Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore, India. This product has become very popular in the metropolitan cities, towns as well as in many urban areas. This product is being exported in significant quantities mainly to gulf countries. However, transportation and material handling of the concentrate is a problem to the exporters and leaveslow margin to them. A process has been developed by the Institute for the production of dehydrated 'Tamarind Powder' with a free flowing nature. The product would be compact and convenient to use and handling and as a result the cost of transportation and material handling, packing, etc. Would be very low.


Tamarind pulp is manually cleaned, de-seeded and fibre is removed. The pulp is processed under standardised condition of temperature, humidity, and millsettings in order to obtain an acceptable and hygienic product in powder form. The product is packed in HDPE pouches of desired size and weight.

Please contact the NAtional REsearch Development centre.


thanks for this information, but i need more information regarding the actual usage of the product, i.e. can this be used for domestic consumption, how is the market potential of the product?
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