I wanna start nursery of cane sugar



New Member
I wanna start nursery of cane sugar OR want information about at which rate cane sugar nursery product to be sale per quantity.


Well-Known Member
Generally farmers invest 15-25% cost of cultivation for seed material of sugarcane by planting cuttings. Now bud chips at nodes of cane can be cut with single bud and shall be grown in protray with cocopeat media. Please ascertain as to whether good demand is there for sugarcane seedlings in your area then you take up the activity

Please contact us for further guidance and for any other project reports for development of agriculture .

G.Ananda rao B.Sc(Ag) - (Ex Agricultural Officer -Department of Agriculture -AP & Agricultural Banker -SyndicateBank)
Agri Finance consultant, Vijaya Agro & SME Consultants
Mobile: 9703128495
Mail: garao56@gmail.com



@agrimalkari --- You may contact below member reg above rqmnt.

vaibhav mane <vdm.agri@gmail.com>
Phone: 08600680043
