how to maximise coconut yield



New Member
dear sir,

i have 4300 coconut trees. soil type black clay soil partly and red soil. give best suggestion of fertilizer to both kind of soils. tree type tall variety. hw much nuts can be produced per tree per annum.


Senior Member
Coconut yield

Plase submit 4-5 soil samples of your garden for analysis and apply the inputs as per the report of the testing lab. you need to apply red soil to the clay field, clay soil to the red soil field. organic manure, fertilizer, mineral supplements etc


Established Member
Dear Sir,
Plantation of combined/multi/companion crops gives you good results in all kind of soils. Go for natural farming without getting anything out side from your farm. Soil has got every power to give good results, you need to create suitable atmosphere in the garden to get result not only from single crops, but from all crops.
