how to connrol monky?



Controll of Monkey

The best way to control monkey is to trap them in a cage and put them in a forest area far away. If your farm is near forest get some damaged fishing net at dead cheap rate [mostly free] fix them by not touching any trees [by using some ropes] at a height of 2-3Meter.


Active Member
Monkey menace control methods

If you keep LANGUR in your farm the monkeys will run away as they are afraid of LANGURS.
Also if you keep some music on in the farm at high volume, the monkeys feel someone is present & will not enter your farm.


Monkey menace

Please keep food and other articles away.Ask all people to give food to worship monkeys in forest only.If monkeys get food in forest they will not move out of jungle.Only the monkey worshipers have attracted them to cities by providing food to them in nearby places out of their lazyness and fear from their Deity.
