Hi tech Computerised GreenHouses



Dear Sir,
I represent M/s Patron Agrisystems , Netherlands , in India and we are interested in appointing distributors for our

computerised Agri Greenhouses all over India. These hi tech Greenhouses help grow Hybreed fruits , Vegetables ,

flowers and other agricultural products in controlled conditions so that the yield is constant on a yearly basis and the

produce are insect free and of high quality.
The investment for distribution by you would be around 1.25 crore for a 4700 sq.metre plot and much less in case you

want to upgrade an existing Green House to a Model Patron Green House.
In case you are interested in taking up distribution for your State kindly send me an email giving your business profile so

that I can arrange for a Skype video Conference with mr.Jelle Boeters , Patron ,Netherlands. The Distributors will get

nearly 5% sales margin for every order they book payable in euros or in Indian rupees.
Thanking you,
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Please send me complete details thanks & regards, Madan Singh,Lucknow,Uttar Pradesh
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Computerised GreenHouses by Patron,the netherlands

Dear ir,
Please send me an email and i will send details and data sheet for your fill up.
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