Help required regarding top soil



New Member
Top soil of my agricultural land is rocky and the colour is light brown. I want to grow flowers like gerbera and rose. I need to top my land with red soil. Red soil is available closeby. I was told that I can top up my land for 3ft with red soil and this will make it fertile for floriculture. Will this work ?? Will the land be fit for floriculture in doing so ? Please suggest as I have applied for bank loan and the crop fully depends on soil.

Top soil of my agricultural land is rocky and the colour is light brown. I want to grow flowers like gerbera and rose. I need to top my land with red soil. Red soil is available closeby. I was told that I can top up my land for 3ft with red soil and this will make it fertile for floriculture. Will this work ?? Will the land be fit for floriculture in doing so ? Please suggest as I have applied for bank loan and the crop fully depends on soil.

How many acres do you plan to top up. Kindly take the cost of topping up your land into consideration as it may prove to make your project nonviable with so much expenses upfront. Why don't you try hydroponics instead.

There is classes being conducted in this subject in BANGALORE

Also those interested in attending the Hydroponics Trg Course at Bangalore may please contact Mr Prakash

He may be contacted on Mob 09895522777. If you have difficulty in reaching him please contact alternate number 09895822777.
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Regaining the top soil fertility is a real challange. One should be
little patient to succeed on this. A simple logic is that anything put on
the land will be degraded by biological agents and become soil. so first
thing to do is to study different natural factors to find the root cause
for the symptom of the rocky land. This is very similar to that of Doctors
studying the patients before prescribing medication. Your rocky land
is a patient and you are a doctor to cure it.

There are different natural factors makes soil rocky. Two important factors
out of them are
1) Erosion/leaching by running water/rain water.
2) Wind erosion.
You have to do study to understand what makes your land rocky. Some times it may
be the combination of more than one factors like over grazing + wind erosion
makes the land rocky. once you understand the root cause then taking
corrective action is easy. but then for land it will take it own time to
accept this and get completely cured after that your land will be completely
productive forever.

My feeling is that just putting soil from one land to another is not the remedy
Hydroponics will be costly affair and may not be permanent solution.

There are plenty of free material on this subject to read.
Please look into Agriculture Library in website Soil and Health Library

To gain knowledge from some experiences visit
pointReturn : the point is to return

Success Story

GreenLocal | Cultivating Life

Palekars Zero budget Farming

If you know tamil search and read articles written by Namazhwar in
old Pasumai Vikatan magazine.

Best of Luck!

With regards,
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