help 4 organic vegetable outlet



New Member
Hello All,

I have an idea to start organic vegetable outlet at kerala
Looking for good mentor who can easily solve the budget concerns, procedure of organic vegatables , types shop ,place, marketing etc.

I appreciate if someone can look into my matters.

Thanks in Advance,




Good that you have initiated to start a organic vegetable shop and decided to bring in more people towards organic living. Main point you should at least consider before you start.

1. Consider whether people aware of importance of organic products compared to normally available inorganic ones.
2. You should have definite source of supply of genuine organic vegetables. Remember all vegetable available cannot be categorized as organic and you may face legal complexities.
3. Once you start, there is a challenge for you to keep shelf space full. You are confident enough to source all organic vegetables on daily basis. Remember you cannot keep organic and inorganic vegetables in a organic shop.
4. Locate your store where there is more walk in and residential layouts are nearer.
5. You cannot declare holiday for your store as you are selling one of the basic needs of people.
6. You should have commitment in what you do. Always donot depend on people you appoint. Intact they follow what you do.

Hope you got some idea out of this. Donot hesitate to clear your doubts.

best of luck


Hello All,

I have an idea to start organic vegetable outlet at kerala
Looking for good mentor who can easily solve the budget concerns, procedure of organic vegatables , types shop ,place, marketing etc.

I appreciate if someone can look into my matters.

Thanks in Advance,
Please contact Business Planning & Development Unit of National Institute of Research in Jute & Allied Fibre Technology ( NIRJAFT ),Kolkata.It is a type of Agribusiness Incubation Centre under ICAR ( Indian Council of Agricultural Research ) in Agriculture and Allied Technology.We are committed to offer all kind of support to entrepreneurs interested in Agricultural sector.

As a part of our service we provide technology demonstration,consultancy services,training on selected technologies , bankable project profile writing , facilitation for financial assistance from financial institutions,technical assistance from scientist of ICAR institutes and assisting in marketing of products.
We also provide infrastructure support like office space,communication facilities , pilot plant and laboratory facilities.

For more details please visit Http://
ph.: +919433389579 ,email :


New Member
i also interest,hari, please give more details

dear sir,
ai am also interested this filed, please share more details
I have an idea to start organic vegetable outlet at kerala
Looking for good mentor who can easily solve the budget concerns, procedure of organic vegatables , types shop ,place, marketing etc.

I appreciate if someone can look into my matters.

Thanks in Advance,[/QUOTE]
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