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New Member
HI , this is karthikeyan from coimbatore(Tamil Nadu). I am here to know about the breeds of coconut .

We have 30 acres of empty land in our hometown and me and my dad are planning to plant coconut for the same,

We have two types in our mind Deejay and Gangabondam.

Experts pl tell me which type is good based on the Copra , tender coconut , High yielding , ifespan , and the soil types.


Well-Known Member

The coconut palm thrives well under an evenly distributed annual rainfall ranging from 1000 mm to 3000 mm. The palm requires an equitable warm and humid climate neither very hot, nor very cold. The mean annual temperature for optimum growth and maximum yield is stated to be 27 degree Celsius with a diurnal variation of 6 0C to 7 0C. The coconut palm thrives well up to an altitude of 600 m MSL.

The coconut palm can tolerate wide range of soil conditions. But the palm does show certain growth preferences. A variety of factors such as drainage, soil depth, soil fertility and layout of the land has great influence on the growth of the palm. The major soil types that support coconut in India are laterite, alluvial, red sandy loam, coastal sandy and reclaimed soils with a PH ranging from 5.2 to 8.0.

Selection of Site :

Shallow soils with underlying hard rock, low lying areas subjected to water stagnation and clay soils should be avoided. Proper supply of moisture either through well distributed rainfall or irrigation and sufficient drainage are essential for coconut.

pacing and Planting :

In general square system of planting with a spacing of 7.5m to 9 m is practised. This will accommodate 177 to 124 palms per hectare. Planting the seedlings during May with the onset of pre-monsoon rain is ideal.

Varieties :

The tall varieties are extensively grown throughout India while dwarf is grown mainly for parent material in hybrid seed production and for tender coconuts. The tall varieties generally grown along the west coast is called West Coast Tall and along the east coast is called East Coast Tall. Benaulim is the tall variety grown in Goa and coastal Maharashtra.

Laccadive Ordinary, Laccadive Micro, Tiptur Tall, Kappadam, Komadan and Andaman Ordinary are some of the tall varieties.

Chowghat Dwarf Orange, Chowghat Dwarf Yellow, Chowghat Dwarf Green, Malayan Yellow Dwarf and Malayan Orange Dwarf are some of the dwarf varieties grown in India. Gangabondam is a semi tall type grown in certain tracts of Andhra Pradesh. Many hybrid combinations of tall and dwarf are also grown in the country.

Maintenance of Coconut Garden

Regular manuring from the first year of planting is essential to ensure good vegetative growth, early flowering and bearing and high yield. Organic manure at the rate of 25 - 50 kg per palm per year may be applied with the onset of south west monsoon when soil moisture content is high. Different forms of organic manures like compost, farmyard manure, bonemeal, fish meal, neem cake, groundnut cake, gingelly cake, etc. could be used for this purpose. Green manure crops like sunhemp, gliricidia, dhaincha, etc. could also be grown as intercrops to incorporate in the coconut basins later.


Under basin irrigation, 200 l/ palm once in 4 days will be beneficial. In areas where water is scarce drip irrigation system can be adopted.


Coconuts are harvested at varying intervals in a year. The frequency differs in different areas depending upon the yield of the trees. In well maintained and high yielding gardens, bunches are produced regularly and harvesting is done once a month.

Coconuts become mature in about 12 months after the opening of the spathe. It is the ripe coconut which is the source of major coconut products. Nuts which are eleven months old give fibre of good quality and can be harvested in the tracts where green husks are required for the manufacture of coir fibre. Economic life of the coconut palm can be considered as 60 years.

