Green Jobs - Building a New Energy Workforce



Well-Known Member added a new report on "Green Jobs: Building a New Energy Workforce" which gives the information about the specific industries which are offering green jobs, and much more.

Green Jobs: Building a New Energy Workforce

Green jobs can be broadly defined as jobs that involve protecting wildlife or ecosystems, reducing pollution or waste, or reducing energy usage and lowering carbon emissions. Green jobs in America's energy economy are concentrated in the energy efficiency (EE) sector, with growth also expected in the renewable energy(RE)sector. ( Green Jobs: Building a New Energy Workforce - Business Market Reports )

The EE sector generally involves retrofitting homes and businesses to use less energy, as well as developing and manufacturing products that save energy. The renewable and clean energy sectors focus on creating, installing, and maintaining technologies that generate energy from resources that are naturally replenished and generally do not emit the greenhouse gasses that contribute to global warming. Renewable energies include wind, solar, geothermal, and hydropower.

Part of the world's future energy supply is also likely to come from sustainable energy sources with low or no carbon emissions, including nuclear, coal with carbon sequestration (in which the harmful carbon emissions from burning coal are captured and stored), and natural gas cogeneration units, which are highly efficient.

While green jobs occupations will be found across all industries and at all levels of education, the largest number of green jobs will be in occupations that require an apprenticeship, professional certificate, or one to two years of post-secondary education.

This report looks at what green jobs are, where to find green jobs, specific industries which are offering green jobs, and much more.

To know more and to buy a copy of your report feel free to visit : Green Jobs: Building a New Energy Workforce - Business Market Reports


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