Gerbera Cultivation



New Member
I would like to setup a 1000 sq meter Greenhouse at Nagpur,MS for Gerbera cultivation.

I need consultancy as well as Proposal estimate for this.

Please reply to me



Active Member
hi sonal

hi there
raj kacheria here
i can help you set up the system
kindly call me on 93222 11010 i m based in mumbai


New Member
inormation of how make to caltivatino gerbera froma

hi dear sir
i want make a fram of caltivation gaebera but i dosn;t know abaut subsidy and structur amount per sq miter and i have 1000 sq miter area to do so plz send me information


New Member
Hello I am Rohit Patel from Kachchh, Gujarat

I want to establish a green house for the gerbera plantation.

Can any one help me to know the entire produre for it plantation and development. In other word, i want to know, from site prepration to its market.

Please anyone help me to establish such floriculture farm in arid region of Kachchh in cosr effective manner.

thanking you

