Future of Biodiesel



hello freinds,

can biodiesel raelly cope up with the normal petrol n diesel market,coz cars and bikes engines have been so made which will specifically run in diesel or petrol

so do you all think that multinational companies who manufacture cars and bikes will really trasform themselves now so as to produce new engines which will be comatible with biodiesel now at this point of time...

dont you think it will take another 20 long years...



Well-Known Member
Future of Biodiesel business


Cars and bikes are no doubt a part of MNCs and their corporate friends in India.
Who are the buyers of veichles then?????

Did you ever used Biodiesel a single ml yourself in any format sir????
Did you pursue the Auto gaints to offer you a hybrid veichle clubbing petrol/diesel with a alternate fuel sir????

I do not see 20years.
Once the Diesel price is up Rs40 and Petrol by Rs60/liter you will find the people queing up for other options.
Start using Biofuels sir!!!!!!


dnt get me wrong,but i am myself trying to promote biodeisel,but i am confused about its future.

i am going to invest a few crores so taking informatioss..

by the way i am kashish gupta , a young entreprenuer,i have a software firm,but want to diversify my business now so thot biodiesel would be the best....


Cars and bikes are no doubt a part of MNCs and their corporate friends in India.
Who are the buyers of veichles then?????

Did you ever used Biodiesel a single ml yourself in any format sir????
Did you pursue the Auto gaints to offer you a hybrid veichle clubbing petrol/diesel with a alternate fuel sir????

I do not see 20years.
Once the Diesel price is up Rs40 and Petrol by Rs60/liter you will find the people queing up for other options.
Start using Biofuels sir!!!!!!


and i am based is west bengal where i buy diesel @ ra 40 already and rs 55 petrol for my petrol car already for the last 1 month

dnt get me wrong,but i am myself trying to promote biodeisel,but i am confused about its future.

i am going to invest a few crores so taking informatioss..

by the way i am kashish gupta , a young entreprenuer,i have a software firm,but want to diversify my business now so thot biodiesel would be the best....


Well-Known Member
Biodiesel future....


Read the reply first.
I have not told anything wrong or ever confused you on Biodiesel.

I rather expect a fast growth than your fear on Biodiesel.
You just read once again my reply and then understand what is wrong or right
on my writtings.




Well refined biodiesel can be used in even current automobiles. The problem of bio-diesel industry is not d engine technology but d labour intensive production technique, dependence on agro-climatic conditions, food versus fuel debate as far as land utilization is concerned and the gestation period before production starts.



Well-Known Member


I would like to add few more comments.
a.There is no such Refined Biodiesel ( Only methyl/ethyl ester are the two)
b.There is VAT and central excise on some raw materials.(VAT 13.5% in Karnaraka)
c.There is no marketting agent from the Govt side as is the case of Diesel.
d.No subsidy nor any serious efforts from Govt to support Biodiesel so far
e.The people are rather under the impression that Biodiesel is a kind of forsetry seed oil.

I am sure there is no labour problem as for as making Biodiesel is concerned and no threat either for food in the case of feedstocks that really matters for commercial production of Biodiesel.



sir i would request you to read the threats lil slowly..

fisrt of all you read my name wrong as well as the threat..
see i wrote there "DNT GET ME WRONG...."rather i asked your suggestion...

but you thot i told you WRONG..

ONE THING I NOTICED IN ALL YOUR SCRAPS...you have a lot a negativities in your threats...you always think that all r trying to defy you..i just wanted to get some good knowleg from you but srry to say you look upon every threat with a negative attitude..

sorry once again..but i hope many wil agree..


Read the reply first.
I have not told anything wrong or ever confused you on Biodiesel.

I rather expect a fast growth than your fear on Biodiesel.
You just read once again my reply and then understand what is wrong or right
on my writtings.



Well-Known Member


I find your reply very positively.(Thread)

I can understand your comments now.
I continue to learn from you friends alright?

That is the reason I am here for some years.
You need not reply if you feel my reply a negative.

I wish you happy.
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no ,see no doubtedly your experience is much more than anybody here in this forum,but only that we want some good knowlege from you,sorry if you felt it rude.as i said before i do regularly folow all your threats but i found lil negative so just said.dnt mind..anyways keep replying..

I find your reply very positively.(Thread)

I can understand your comments now.
I continue to learn from you friends alright?

That is the reason I am here for some years.
You need not reply if you feel my reply a negative.

I wish you happy.


Well-Known Member
Future of Biodiesel.

Dear all!!!!

I have a Biodiesel plant duly designed and installed by me in Doddabhathi village of Davengere dist in Karnataka.

well! I do have a dispensing pump or a retail outlet right in front of my unit established five years back.

I do not want to upload some Photos nor any certification from people and I dedicate all these efforts to my country itself.

I am a proud Indian to declare that I am continuosly running my car Tata Sumo fuelled with my B100 which ran around 285000kms so far.

I do not want to sell any CDs about the functioning of the car nor the performance of B100 in my car since its a small service for the nation to show that an Indian can survive without the import of Diesel.

I carry this message right from the day one and today I feel hurt when people quote my articles as scrap/ negative as if iam seeking any business interest?

I still stand very firm that Biodiesel is not a simple subject of debate but its a soul searching concept for me.
Never mind I lost some lakhs in developing this Industry seeriously and sincerely and accept the reward of some critic's clever attacks on me in this forum.

I will try my level best to avoid any unwanted confrontations on this subject but will never surrender with people who misguide the forum with false facts on Biodiesel.
The Moderator of this forum should watch the thread carefully while allowing unhealthy comments on feloow members please!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone interested to see my realsitic experience shall visit my unit anytime and I am here to present my facts and figures honestly on Biodiesel.Its a open challenge to those who would like to test my experience in biodiesel!!!!!!

Hope many of you could agree with me.
Sometime "scraps" are also converted into roofs.
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Well-Known Member
Future on Biodiesel

Iam pleased to read the data of those actual Biodiesel users in this forum with supporting evidence for the Biodiesel procured or produced by them.
I am seeking this information so that people in this country shall understand how this Industry sustains.
Mere comments can not convince me and hence a comprehensive statement needed.
I will reply to only to those realsitic presentation on this issue.

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Well-Known Member
Future of Biodiesel.....

Dear friends!

The Diesel price at last is hiked to Rs2/liter.
I expected a hike of atleast Rs5/liter considering the crude oil price which stands at 76USD/barrel today.

The left and right combination (political parties)in this country never realized the burden on imports of crude nor any positive solution to maintain the cost of petroleum products
which certainly a hidden story so far.

We in Biodiesel Industry are asked to supply Biodiesel for Rs34/liter to the Oil marketting companies whereas the same oil marketting companies sell Diesel at Rs42/day.
The govt. must ensure a fair support price say Rs40/liter for Biodiesel so that people like me shall recover certain amount of loss hereafter.

The future of Biodiesel no doubt depends upon the Diesel's price.
We expect a good demand considering the current level Diesel price.



How long did it take to set up your plant?what were your initial procedures?did govt help you in any way?

Dear all!!!!

I have a Biodiesel plant duly designed and installed by me in Doddabhathi village of Davengere dist in Karnataka.

well! I do have a dispensing pump or a retail outlet right in front of my unit established five years back.

I do not want to upload some Photos nor any certification from people and I dedicate all these efforts to my country itself.

I am a proud Indian to declare that I am continuosly running my car Tata Sumo fuelled with my B100 which ran around 285000kms so far.

I do not want to sell any CDs about the functioning of the car nor the performance of B100 in my car since its a small service for the nation to show that an Indian can survive without the import of Diesel.

I carry this message right from the day one and today I feel hurt when people quote my articles as scrap/ negative as if iam seeking any business interest?

I still stand very firm that Biodiesel is not a simple subject of debate but its a soul searching concept for me.
Never mind I lost some lakhs in developing this Industry seeriously and sincerely and accept the reward of some critic's clever attacks on me in this forum.

I will try my level best to avoid any unwanted confrontations on this subject but will never surrender with people who misguide the forum with false facts on Biodiesel.
The Moderator of this forum should watch the thread carefully while allowing unhealthy comments on feloow members please!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone interested to see my realsitic experience shall visit my unit anytime and I am here to present my facts and figures honestly on Biodiesel.Its a open challenge to those who would like to test my experience in biodiesel!!!!!!

Hope many of you could agree with me.
Sometime "scraps" are also converted into roofs.


Well-Known Member
Future of Biodiesel.

I own my plant in Davengere dist of Karnataka.
It took two years for me to set up the plant with required permissions locally.

I did not seek any help nor mercy from any bloddy Govt.
However, the corrupt and coward BJP Govt in Karnataka is full of immitators and never been serious to address the Innovators.

I am so upset with the way in which the bloody state Govt loot money in the name of farmers and make nothing to promote Biodiesel except three tenders (BOGUS and CORRUPT) for Biodiesel in KSRTC.

I charge the bloody task force for eating Govt.money by conducting irrelavant programmes and could not pursue the state Govt to exempt Biodiesel from VAT.
Shamelessly the VAT is levied at 13.5% on Biodiesel today.

I continue to fight and in the process I lost thirty two lakhs as of now in various forms.

I still expect a good trade activity once the States atleast exempt Biodiesel form VAT.
Most of the collectors in this country does not know the regulations fo Biodiesel and its procedures for production.
There is no major procedures except storing and buying Methanol which comes under Central excise act and do the explosives act.



thanx for the information.what were initial procedures taken by you to start?
and from where do you purchase methonol?

I own my plant in Davengere dist of Karnataka.
It took two years for me to set up the plant with required permissions locally.

I did not seek any help nor mercy from any bloddy Govt.
However, the corrupt and coward BJP Govt in Karnataka is full of immitators and never been serious to address the Innovators.

I am so upset with the way in which the bloody state Govt loot money in the name of farmers and make nothing to promote Biodiesel except three tenders (BOGUS and CORRUPT) for Biodiesel in KSRTC.

I charge the bloody task force for eating Govt.money by conducting irrelavant programmes and could not pursue the state Govt to exempt Biodiesel from VAT.
Shamelessly the VAT is levied at 13.5% on Biodiesel today.

I continue to fight and in the process I lost thirty two lakhs as of now in various forms.

I still expect a good trade activity once the States atleast exempt Biodiesel form VAT.
Most of the collectors in this country does not know the regulations fo Biodiesel and its procedures for production.
There is no major procedures except storing and buying Methanol which comes under Central excise act and do the explosives act.



Dear Badrinath Sir,

Tamilnadu State govt has exempted the Bio-Diesel from VAT. So, you can shift your plant to Tamil Nadu. But, what I understand is that OMC (Oil Marketing Companies) are the only entities allowed retail Diesel/Petrol. Others cannot market them directly to public. So, only buyers for this commodity is OMCs and Railways.

There is a national policy on Bio-fuel, which is available

Sir, Please share info about your plant.

1. What is the capacity per day? or per month?
2. Is it a esterification process?
3. What do you do with the Glycerin? where is the market for that?
4. how do you manage with methanol, if you do not have explosive license?
5. What is the production cost in your plant for one litre of bio-diesel?
6. Can the plant use other forms of vegetable oils as well?
7. Did you do any modification in the Tata Sumo engine?

Since the skyrocketing of diesel price after decontrol, sure people have to think other avenues of fuel.
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Well-Known Member

Sorry for the delayed reply.

I am not sure about the exemption of VAt anywhere in India.
If its exempted, its good and yet I am not sure considering the VAT act formulated by all state finance ministers.

There may be a reduced rate even if there is no total exemption in TN.

My plant is a direct Trans-esterfication one provided the feedstock is <0.5%ffa.
we do the Pre processing of the oil before reaction first.

we sell Glycerine to traders and we do use in our soaps.

There are some provisions for storing Methanol other than storage tanks.
However, you need to file your Excise returns.
There is a formal control from the state prohibition dept. too.

As for as my Tata sumo is concerned, I change or opt for cloth type filters instead of core one.
I also double filter the Biodiesel to avoid any Clogging problems which is the one only issue I have seen and that due to some oils.

I am a complete mechanic now to handle any mechanical problems while using the Fuel.
The fact is most of the problems i faced was while blending Biodiesel with Diesel and there is no problem in case of B100.



Well-Known Member
Future of Biodiesel.

Dear Biodiesel well wishers!!!!

Good news.
Indian Railways awarded the tender for one Mumbai based co. to set up a Plant In Raipur under Buyback agreement and one more plant is expected to be in Chennai if Iam right its Southern online Biotechnology Limited of Hyderabad the promoter.Both the promoters have units in SEZ to do good Import export trade in Books.

One more news!!!!
KSRTC have called for a tender slated to be on 23rd.of this month for the procurement of 25lakhs of Biodiesel.

Of course!
The last tender was also the same qty in April 2009.
God knows who was the bidder and how was the supply.
However, this time there are lot of political heavy weights eyeing for this tender.

Hope we get some more informations after the tender is over.
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