Fish Farming, farming method, patent, technology, market information
Project @ a Glance
Fish farming is the world’s fastest growing sector of agricultural business. Consumer demand for fish products is increasing. At the same time, wild fish stocks are rapidly declining, mainly because of over - fishing. Aquaculture contributes more than 16 million tones of fish and shellfish annually to the world food supply.
Biotechnology is used in several different ways in aquaculture. Researchers use transgenic to introduce desirable genetic traits into the fish, thereby creating hardier stock. Transgenic involves the transfer of genes from one species into another species, in this case, fish.
There are two main techniques which researchers use to transfer genetic material in fish. One is called microinjection, in which the genetic material is injected into newly fertilized fish eggs. However, this method is time consuming, so researchers may prefer to use electroporation. This involves transferring the genetic material, or DNA, into fish embryos through the use of an electrical current.
Transgenic technology provides a means by which such a quantum leap in production is possible. The identification, isolation and reconstruction of genes responsible for desirable traits, and their transfer to broodstock, offer powerful methods of genetic/phenotypic improvement that would be difficult, if not impossible to achieve using traditional selection and breeding techniques.
A project was undertaken on enhancing livelihood of SC/ST people in Orissa and Tamil Nadu by MS Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai for introducing various aquaculture enterprises to 250 participants in backyard ornamental fish culture and carp seed production.
A project on utilization of integrated marine living resources by SC youth from Tuticorin region of Tamil Nadu was undertaken by College of Fisheries, Tuticorin. Lobster fattening and crab culture techniques were standardized and demonstrated to the beneficiaries, who have grown lobsters in cages for about 4 months and produced 250-350gms size for marketing.
The public health hazards related to antimicrobial use in aquaculture include the development and spread of antimicrobial resistant bacteria and resistance genes, and the occurrence of antimicrobial residues in products of aquaculture. The greatest potential risk to public health associated with antimicrobial use in aquaculture is thought to be the development of a reservoir of transferable resistance genes in bacteria in aquatic environments from which such genes can be disseminated by horizontal gene transfer to other bacteria and ultimately reach human pathogens. However, a quantitative risk assessment on antimicrobial resistance in aquaculture is difficult to perform owing to lack of data and the many different and complex pathways of gene flow. Prevention and control of bacterial diseases in aquatic animals is essential to minimize the use of antimicrobials and avoid the negative impact of antimicrobial resistance.
The Indian inland aquaculture sector in general, is growing at an annual rate of 5.8% and currently produces around 1.6 million tonnes of fish, shellfish and molluscs from tanks and ponds, reservoirs, brackish waters, rivers and canals. In India, the role of fish in the diet is most important in the east and south of India. Correspondingly, the states of eastern India, covered by the project account for more than half the inland fish production of the top ten states. West Bengal alone produces c.38% of the total production.
The Common Fisheries Policy shall ensure exploitation of living aquatic resources that provides sustainable economic, environmental and social conditions. For this purpose, the Community shall apply the precautionary approach in taking measures designed to protect and conserve living aquatic resources, to provide for their sustainable exploitation and to minimize the impact of fishing activities on marine ecosystems.
Contents on the CD Rom
About Aquaculture
Getting Started in Aquaculture
Fish farming
History of Aquaculture
Introduction to Aquaculture
Brackish water aquaculture
Reproductive Biology in Aquaculture
Links on Aquaculture
Fish Farm Sitting and Operations
Gene Delivery Methods
Efficient expression of transgenes in adult zebrafish by electroporation
Transfer of a foreign gene to Japanese abalone by direct testis-injection
Genetically Modified Organisms and Aquaculture
Gene Transfer in Shrimp
Application of Gene Transfer Technology for Genetic Improvement of Fish
Company Profiles
Aquaculture Production Technology
AquaBiotech Group
The Council of Agriculture
DAN Fish Farms
Igene Biotechnology
Pioneer Aquaculture Consultants
Pacific Aquaculture Caucus
Aquaculture Technology
Fisheries Technology Associates Inc
Talon Nigeria Limited
The Virtual Consulting Group
Draft of Biotechnology Policy
Policy-relevant issues in Aquaculture & Fisheries
Madhya Pradesh Biotechnology Policy
Biotech Promotion Policy and Technology Transfer Issues
A Review of Aquaculture Policy and Institutional Capacity in the BCLME Region with Recommended Regional Policy Options
Government of Tamil Nadu - Biotechnology Policy
The Bangkok Declaration and Strategy for Aquaculture Development Beyond 2000 and Philippine Aquaculture
National Biotechnology Development Strategy
Canadian Biotechnology Strategy
Transgenic Fish Coming
A rising tide - Biotechnology: A Resourceful Gene
Status of Genetically Modified Fish
Isolation, Characterization and Expression of Growth Hormane/ Insulin - Like Growth Factor in Mouse Garoupa
Embryonic and genetic manipulation in fish
Transgenic fish 21st century solution to decreased fish farming productivity
Expressing Mammalian Protein Complexes in Fish
Inducing Sterlity in Fish by Disrupting the Development of the GNRH System
Transgenic Salmond Fish Expressing Exogenous Salmond Growth Hormone
Aquaculture system and methods for using the same
Growing marine fish in fresh water
Methods for raising pre-adult anadromous fish
Development of transgenic fish for ornamental and bioreactor by strong expression of fluorescent proteins in the skeletal muscle
Recirculation Aquaculture Tank Production Systems
Biotechnology in the Livestock Industry
Transgenic Salmon for Culture and Consumption
Genetics & Biotechnology in Aquaculture: Status, Promises & Issues
Emerging Fisheries Technologies
The Industrialisation of Fish Farming and the Drive Towards GM Technologies in Salmon Production
Biotechnology in Aquaculture: The Future of Fish Farming
The Status of Aquaculture in India With Special Reference to Eastern India
Community-Based Aquaculture in India- Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
Biotechnology in Animal Agriculture: Status and Current Issues
Transgenic fish: is a new policy framework necessary for a new technology?
Aquaculture, Fish Farming, Fishing, Fishery Subsidy in India
Antimicrobial Use in Aquaculture and Antimicrobial Resistance
Aquaculture in Australia
Fish Farming
The Important Role of Biotechnology in Aquaculture
Aquaculture Best Management Practices Rule
Sustainable Marine Aquaculture: Fulfilling the Promise ; Managing the Risks
Genetically Engineered Fish - New threats to the Environment
Biotechnology - solution or problem?
Fisheries Research and Development
Aquatic Species Conservation & Management
Economics of biotech fish farms
The Commercialization of Biotechnology in Alberta
A Receptor Industry - Status of Canada’s Aquaculture Sector
Norway Marine Biotechnology
Beyond the Information Revolution
Aqua Bounty Technologies, Inc Completion of £20 million placing
Safety and Guides
Careful risk assessment needed to evaluate transgenic fish
Genetically modified fish and their effects on food quality and human health and nutrition
Biotech Economy
Guidelines on: the care and use of fish in research, teaching and testing
Ecological Criteria Used to Help Site Fish Farms in Fjords
Guidelines for Fish Farming: Predicted Levels of Nutrient Enhancement and Benthic Impact
Guidelines for Fin Fish Farming, Marine Aquaculture Experiments and Pilot Projects in SA
Eco-Friendly Fish Farm Management and Production of Safe Aquaculture Foods in the Philippines
Guidelines for research and utilization of genetically modified fish
Project Information CD cover all the aspects of Project, from basics, Projects, Investment, Market, Extraction Process, Reports, Importers, Exporters, Manufacturer address, Equipment, project reports, raw materials, financial requirements. The scope of the Project Information CD includes assessing market potential, negotiating with collaborators, investment decision making, corporate diversification planning etc. in a very planned manner by formulating detailed manufacturing techniques and forecasting financial aspects by estimating the cost of raw material.
Besides being used by manufacturers, industrialists and entrepreneurs, our publications are also used by professionals including project engineers, information services bureau, consultants and consultancy firms as one of the input in their research.
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Interested may ask for charges. Mail us Project Name, Contact Person Name, Phone no, Email address, Address at or SMS us Project Name, Contact Person Name, Phone no, Email on +919407566665
Project @ a Glance
Fish farming is the world’s fastest growing sector of agricultural business. Consumer demand for fish products is increasing. At the same time, wild fish stocks are rapidly declining, mainly because of over - fishing. Aquaculture contributes more than 16 million tones of fish and shellfish annually to the world food supply.
Biotechnology is used in several different ways in aquaculture. Researchers use transgenic to introduce desirable genetic traits into the fish, thereby creating hardier stock. Transgenic involves the transfer of genes from one species into another species, in this case, fish.
There are two main techniques which researchers use to transfer genetic material in fish. One is called microinjection, in which the genetic material is injected into newly fertilized fish eggs. However, this method is time consuming, so researchers may prefer to use electroporation. This involves transferring the genetic material, or DNA, into fish embryos through the use of an electrical current.
Transgenic technology provides a means by which such a quantum leap in production is possible. The identification, isolation and reconstruction of genes responsible for desirable traits, and their transfer to broodstock, offer powerful methods of genetic/phenotypic improvement that would be difficult, if not impossible to achieve using traditional selection and breeding techniques.
A project was undertaken on enhancing livelihood of SC/ST people in Orissa and Tamil Nadu by MS Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai for introducing various aquaculture enterprises to 250 participants in backyard ornamental fish culture and carp seed production.
A project on utilization of integrated marine living resources by SC youth from Tuticorin region of Tamil Nadu was undertaken by College of Fisheries, Tuticorin. Lobster fattening and crab culture techniques were standardized and demonstrated to the beneficiaries, who have grown lobsters in cages for about 4 months and produced 250-350gms size for marketing.
The public health hazards related to antimicrobial use in aquaculture include the development and spread of antimicrobial resistant bacteria and resistance genes, and the occurrence of antimicrobial residues in products of aquaculture. The greatest potential risk to public health associated with antimicrobial use in aquaculture is thought to be the development of a reservoir of transferable resistance genes in bacteria in aquatic environments from which such genes can be disseminated by horizontal gene transfer to other bacteria and ultimately reach human pathogens. However, a quantitative risk assessment on antimicrobial resistance in aquaculture is difficult to perform owing to lack of data and the many different and complex pathways of gene flow. Prevention and control of bacterial diseases in aquatic animals is essential to minimize the use of antimicrobials and avoid the negative impact of antimicrobial resistance.
The Indian inland aquaculture sector in general, is growing at an annual rate of 5.8% and currently produces around 1.6 million tonnes of fish, shellfish and molluscs from tanks and ponds, reservoirs, brackish waters, rivers and canals. In India, the role of fish in the diet is most important in the east and south of India. Correspondingly, the states of eastern India, covered by the project account for more than half the inland fish production of the top ten states. West Bengal alone produces c.38% of the total production.
The Common Fisheries Policy shall ensure exploitation of living aquatic resources that provides sustainable economic, environmental and social conditions. For this purpose, the Community shall apply the precautionary approach in taking measures designed to protect and conserve living aquatic resources, to provide for their sustainable exploitation and to minimize the impact of fishing activities on marine ecosystems.
Contents on the CD Rom
About Aquaculture
Getting Started in Aquaculture
Fish farming
History of Aquaculture
Introduction to Aquaculture
Brackish water aquaculture
Reproductive Biology in Aquaculture
Links on Aquaculture
Fish Farm Sitting and Operations
Gene Delivery Methods
Efficient expression of transgenes in adult zebrafish by electroporation
Transfer of a foreign gene to Japanese abalone by direct testis-injection
Genetically Modified Organisms and Aquaculture
Gene Transfer in Shrimp
Application of Gene Transfer Technology for Genetic Improvement of Fish
Company Profiles
Aquaculture Production Technology
AquaBiotech Group
The Council of Agriculture
DAN Fish Farms
Igene Biotechnology
Pioneer Aquaculture Consultants
Pacific Aquaculture Caucus
Aquaculture Technology
Fisheries Technology Associates Inc
Talon Nigeria Limited
The Virtual Consulting Group
Draft of Biotechnology Policy
Policy-relevant issues in Aquaculture & Fisheries
Madhya Pradesh Biotechnology Policy
Biotech Promotion Policy and Technology Transfer Issues
A Review of Aquaculture Policy and Institutional Capacity in the BCLME Region with Recommended Regional Policy Options
Government of Tamil Nadu - Biotechnology Policy
The Bangkok Declaration and Strategy for Aquaculture Development Beyond 2000 and Philippine Aquaculture
National Biotechnology Development Strategy
Canadian Biotechnology Strategy
Transgenic Fish Coming
A rising tide - Biotechnology: A Resourceful Gene
Status of Genetically Modified Fish
Isolation, Characterization and Expression of Growth Hormane/ Insulin - Like Growth Factor in Mouse Garoupa
Embryonic and genetic manipulation in fish
Transgenic fish 21st century solution to decreased fish farming productivity
Expressing Mammalian Protein Complexes in Fish
Inducing Sterlity in Fish by Disrupting the Development of the GNRH System
Transgenic Salmond Fish Expressing Exogenous Salmond Growth Hormone
Aquaculture system and methods for using the same
Growing marine fish in fresh water
Methods for raising pre-adult anadromous fish
Development of transgenic fish for ornamental and bioreactor by strong expression of fluorescent proteins in the skeletal muscle
Recirculation Aquaculture Tank Production Systems
Biotechnology in the Livestock Industry
Transgenic Salmon for Culture and Consumption
Genetics & Biotechnology in Aquaculture: Status, Promises & Issues
Emerging Fisheries Technologies
The Industrialisation of Fish Farming and the Drive Towards GM Technologies in Salmon Production
Biotechnology in Aquaculture: The Future of Fish Farming
The Status of Aquaculture in India With Special Reference to Eastern India
Community-Based Aquaculture in India- Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
Biotechnology in Animal Agriculture: Status and Current Issues
Transgenic fish: is a new policy framework necessary for a new technology?
Aquaculture, Fish Farming, Fishing, Fishery Subsidy in India
Antimicrobial Use in Aquaculture and Antimicrobial Resistance
Aquaculture in Australia
Fish Farming
The Important Role of Biotechnology in Aquaculture
Aquaculture Best Management Practices Rule
Sustainable Marine Aquaculture: Fulfilling the Promise ; Managing the Risks
Genetically Engineered Fish - New threats to the Environment
Biotechnology - solution or problem?
Fisheries Research and Development
Aquatic Species Conservation & Management
Economics of biotech fish farms
The Commercialization of Biotechnology in Alberta
A Receptor Industry - Status of Canada’s Aquaculture Sector
Norway Marine Biotechnology
Beyond the Information Revolution
Aqua Bounty Technologies, Inc Completion of £20 million placing
Safety and Guides
Careful risk assessment needed to evaluate transgenic fish
Genetically modified fish and their effects on food quality and human health and nutrition
Biotech Economy
Guidelines on: the care and use of fish in research, teaching and testing
Ecological Criteria Used to Help Site Fish Farms in Fjords
Guidelines for Fish Farming: Predicted Levels of Nutrient Enhancement and Benthic Impact
Guidelines for Fin Fish Farming, Marine Aquaculture Experiments and Pilot Projects in SA
Eco-Friendly Fish Farm Management and Production of Safe Aquaculture Foods in the Philippines
Guidelines for research and utilization of genetically modified fish
Project Information CD cover all the aspects of Project, from basics, Projects, Investment, Market, Extraction Process, Reports, Importers, Exporters, Manufacturer address, Equipment, project reports, raw materials, financial requirements. The scope of the Project Information CD includes assessing market potential, negotiating with collaborators, investment decision making, corporate diversification planning etc. in a very planned manner by formulating detailed manufacturing techniques and forecasting financial aspects by estimating the cost of raw material.
Besides being used by manufacturers, industrialists and entrepreneurs, our publications are also used by professionals including project engineers, information services bureau, consultants and consultancy firms as one of the input in their research.
For More Visit
Interested may ask for charges. Mail us Project Name, Contact Person Name, Phone no, Email address, Address at or SMS us Project Name, Contact Person Name, Phone no, Email on +919407566665
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