Feeding goats



when my goats refuse to eat grass mainly guinea grass im using suger 25g-40g mix in water and add to 1 kg fresh grass to make it sweet so goats like to eat grass but someone tald me this method will increase worms in goat. i read some articals thant sugar and molasses are high enargy to goats

please telll me how my method is right or wrong


Senior Member
Goat Feed

You can grow the fodder like Maize, Jawar, Hybrid Napier RBN13, Lucerne, Stylo Scabra, Subabul and Bajra for your Goats if you are sending the animals for Grazing also.

You have to grow Monocotyledons which comprises of Maize, Jawar, Hybrid Napier, Gunea Grass , Oats and Para grass. These fodders are rich in energy and are used for supplying energy to animals and this should contain 66% of the diet.

Secondly you have to also grow Dicotyledons like Stylo , Lucerne, Berseem and Subabul. These fodders are rich in protein and helps in Body building of animals and Milk Production.

Please contact your local Agriculture University or Contact Sharma, seed Supplier in M.P at 9630097787 and give my reference, Mustafa from Shine Farms Hyderabad and ask him to give best quality of seeds at reasonable price and fast delivery.
Note: we buy all over seeds from him only.
