fat %age in H.F cows



New Member
i want to start a mini dairy with 5 cows and i want to know the average price/litre of h.f. cows milk that most milk processing units offer.wat would be the least price i get

manas reddy

Active Member
Fat and SNF


the price depends on % of fat and SNF, HF cow milk will have 3.5 - 4.2 % fat and around 8 % SNF, the price at 4% fat and 8% SNF will be between Rs. 17 to Rs. 18 if you are selling to dairies, if you have a pickup point at your dairy you will get a dairy bonus of re.1 per liter and if you are selling it to co-operative society you will get a bonus of 2 rupees per liter

the price will also depend on the proximity of the farm to a city, if you are close by you will get higher price
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