Farm Bufflo/Cow feed/"Concentrate"



Active Member
I am into commercial dairy farming.I have Murrah Bufflo,HF and Jersey cows.
I am purchasing animal pellet feed from Godrej Feeds,Hindustan feeds e.t.c
But I feel if I can purchase various ingerdients which goes into making of the feed,and that too in crop cutting season and store it and make the concentrate by mixing them(Grains e.t.c)and add in right proportion of vitamins,minerals e.t.c,I feel it will be good in quality as well as more ecnomical.
Can anyone please advice/enlighten me on this,as to what all goes in and how to make it and so on.............


Sucess of any bussiness depends on Thinking,Planning, quick action on ur work.I think ur decision is good go ahead accordingly.U just estimate the feed requirement of each category animal u have,ur future herd stock, for 6 month to 1 yr.Also u should know that physiology of maintenance,growth,production and reproduction of each animal that will be ur bussiness mirror.ok. purchasing is easy but storage is challengable so plz. take care spoilage feed during storage .I knownly such feed used production fall down .


Dr.Devanand Mane

Concentrate feed

Hi !
Preparing your own cattle feed or purchasing concentrate feed is one decision which depends on following factors:-
1. Scale of operation ( i.e. if herd strength is greate than 150 adult cattle or monthly consumption of feed is about 30 tons you may go for preparing your own cattle feed.
2. Captive cattle feed plant :- A captive cattle feed grinder, hopper and mixer is the minimum requirement of a cattle feed plant as manually homogeneous mixing of raw material is not possibe.
3. Minimum Power requirement for a 1 ton capacity continuous process plant is 35 HP or 35KVA.
4. The cattle feed you prepare for your dairy cattle must contain 20% crude protein (15%DCP), 70% TDN, 2400Kkal/kg energy and fibre less than 10%, Toxinbinder @ 1 kg per ton of feed, mineral1%,sodabicarbonate o.33% and common salt 2%.
5. Not all raw material can be stored :- most of the raw material can not be stored for more than one month. Major items which are stocked for over 4 months are DRB and DOC.
6. It would negativelly affect cash flow as lot of working capital would be blocked.
