Excellent Business opportunity to invest 3 Lakhs & earn 50% p.a in Bangalore

Dear All, Greetings to 235377 users of agriculture information. I am Sirisha and have invited you all to join us as "Business partners" at our Dairy Farm in May 2012 to which we got a over-helming response of 40521 Views and 467 replies.

To brief about myself, I am working ( Just resigned now to persue career in agriculture from Jan 2016) at the senior level in a reputed IT company and was most of the time out of country on-site. Now, let me recall with all my friends who are “Software Professionals” with some thoughts which would have definitely arrived in their mind at any point of their career.

1. Don't i need to do something different to achieve big in life apart from the present regular boring job?

2. Don't i need to be a "BOSS" myself, get relieved from my existing stressful job & give an employment opportunity to many others in need??

3. Don't i need to have the same income even i quit my job today & start some other business without changing my present lifestyle???

4. Don't i have some responsibility towards "Mother Earth" and also i can apply my zeal & passion to write my own success story???? And finally

5. Can't i find some business opportunity where the investment would be less with high returns and no risks involved in that, most importantly giving complete peace of mind & good healthy life to me, my family members & future generations?????

If these were the thoughts you too have experienced sometime, then come forward to join us as a "BUSINESS PARTNER" in our Agri Projects ( Goat Farming & Calves Rearing) in which we have simplified the mode of investments to suit you all where you can get associated with us directly (as a Working partner) or indirectly (as a Sleeping partner).

Coming to the Projects ( Goat Farming & Calves Rearing), we have already started the same in our fully developed 22 acres farms situated near Yelahanka which has the following infrastructure and facilities,

1. 10 Feet compound wall with security gates.

2. Fully grown 540(almost 20 years old) coconut trees.

3. Four Bore wells with each 2" of water delivery and 24X7 Power supply.

4. Completely drip irrigation facility.

5. One 35 HP Massey Ferguson Tractor, one 14 HP Ganga Sifang power Tiller, One Oleomac Power weeder for all cultivation needs.

6. 4 Servant quarters to accommodate 15 labour families.

7. One 1BHK house to stay there in case of requirement.

8. One Tata Ace to be utilized for transportation needs.

Now, let me brief you about the Projects in detail.
Projects Goat Farming (Stall Fed) -

Total Project Target 1000 Goats
Present Project Status Already Started with 35 Goats
No. of Acres Allocated 15

Why Goats Farming?
Goats are among the main meat-producing animals in India , whose meat (chevon) is one of the choicest meats and has huge domestic demand. Due to its good economic prospects, goat rearing under intensive and semi-intensive system for commercial production has been gaining momentum for the past couple of years. High demand for goat and its products with potential of good economic returns have been deriving many progressive farmers, businessmen, professionals, ex-servicemen and educated youths to take up the goat enterprise on a commercial scale. The emerging favorable market conditions and easy accessibility to improved goat technologies are also catching the attention of entrepreneurs.

Advantages of Goat Farming-

Goat is the 1st domesticated animal in the ancient age and is a Poor Man's Cow. Goat is a multi functional animal and plays a significant role in the economy and nutrition of landless, small and marginal farmers in the country. Goat rearing is an enterprise which has been practiced by a large section of population in rural areas. Goats can efficiently survive on available shrubs and trees in adverse harsh environment in low fertility lands where no other crop can be grown. In pastoral and agricultural subsistence societies in India, goats are kept as a source of additional income and as an insurance against disaster. Goats are also used in ceremonial feastings and for the payment of social dues. In addition to this, goat has religious and ritualistic importance in many societies. The advantages of goat rearing are:

*The initial investment needed for Goat farming is low.

*Due to small body size and docile nature, housing requirements and manage mental problems with goats are less.

*Goats are friendly animals and enjoy being with the people.

*Goats are prolific breeders and achieve sexual maturity at the age of 10-12 months gestation period in goats is short and at the age of 16-17 months it starts giving milk.

*Twinning is very common and triplets and quadruplets are rare.

*In drought prone areas risk of goat farming is very much less as compared to other livestock species.

*Unlike large animals in commercial farm conditions both male and female goats have equal value.

*Goats are ideal for mixed species grazing. The animal can thrive well on wide variety of thorny bushes, weeds, crop residues, agricultural by-products unsuitable for human consumption.

*Goats are resistant to diseases. Since they are stall fed, the expenditure on Medication/ treatment is marginal.

*Their population in the country is continuously increasing, though 60% of the goats are slaughtered every year.

*The products available from Goats are MUTTON, MILK, MANURE, SKIN & LUSTROUS FINE HAIR.

*Under proper management, goats can improve and maintain grazing land and reduce bush encroachment (biological control) without causing harm to the environment.

*No religious taboo against goat slaughter and meat consumption prevalent in the country. Slaughter and dressing operation and meat disposal can be carried without much environmental problems.

*The goat meat is more lean (low cholesterol) and relatively good for people who prefer low energy diet especially in summer and sometimes goat meat (Chevon) is preferred over mutton because of its "chewability"

*Goat milk is high in demand in Metro Cities and sell for s 80-100/ Litre. Also, Goat milk is easy to digest than cow milk because of small fat globules and is naturally homogenized. Goat milk is said to play a role in improving appetite and digestive efficiency. Goat milk is non allergic as compared to cow milk and it has anti-fungal and anti bacterial properties and can be used for treating urogenital diseases of fungal origin.

*Goats are 2.5 times more economical than sheep on free range grazing under semi arid conditions.

*Goat creates employment to the rural poor besides effectively utilizing unpaid family labor.

*There is ample scope for establishing cottage industries based on goat meat and milk products and value addition to skin and fiber.

*Goat is termed as walking refrigerator for the storage of milk and can be milked number of times in a day.

Projects Calves (Calf) Rearing -

Total Project Target 100 Calves
Present Project Status Already Started with 15 Calves
No. of Acres Allocated 7

What's Calves (Calf) Rearing?

The concept is to buy new born calves (preferable female) and rearing them from birth till they are ready for Lactation (Milking) which includes the stages such as growing, Coming to heat, Artificial insemination, gestation. Once they are ready before delivery, we would sell them at the best market price. Since the demand for good quality animals has gone up, calf rearing and breeding is done so that better animals can be made available to the dairy sector.

To discuss more about the project concept/ report, investment process & share your ideas with me, mail me at joinsirisha@gmail.com.. Thanks a lot to u all......

Sirisha Shekar,

Hi Shirisha,

i have gone through with ur information, let me know how much ur required for an investment

Dear Somu,
Thanks for ur valuable inquiry. Before i answer you how much investment is required, i would like to know just 2 things. Would you like to join us as a working partner or sleeping partner. If you would prefer to be a working partner then investment would start from Rs 3 Lakhs (for Goat Farming) & Rs 5 Lakhs (for Calves Rearing) making you to join us in active participation of the project. And if you would choose to be a Sleeping partner, we would execute the project in all your behalf successfully. In this case you would get fixed guaranteed returns time to time. To know more about the concept, kindly mail me to joinsirisha@gmail.com.

Sirisha Shekar,

Dear All,

Greetings to 235377 users of agriculture information. I am Sirisha and have invited you all to join us as "Business partners" at our Dairy Farm in May 2012 to which we got a over-helming response of 40521 Views and 467 replies.

To brief about myself, I am working ( Just resigned now to persue career in agriculture from Jan 2016) at the senior level in a reputed IT company and was most of the time out of country on-site. Now, let me recall with all my friends who are “Software Professionals” with some thoughts which would have definitely arrived in their mind at any point of their career.

1. Don't i need to do something different to achieve big in life apart from the present regular boring job?

2. Don't i need to be a "BOSS" myself, get relieved from my existing stressful job & give an employment opportunity to many others in need??

3. Don't i need to have the same income even i quit my job today & start some other business without changing my present lifestyle???

4. Don't i have some responsibility towards "Mother Earth" and also i can apply my zeal & passion to write my own success story???? And finally

5. Can't i find some business opportunity where the investment would be less with high returns and no risks involved in that, most importantly giving complete peace of mind & good healthy life to me, my family members & future generations?????

If these were the thoughts you too have experienced sometime, then come forward to join us as a "BUSINESS PARTNER" in our Agri Projects ( Goat Farming & Calves Rearing) in which we have simplified the mode of investments to suit you all where you can get associated with us directly (as a Working partner) or indirectly (as a Sleeping partner).

Coming to the Projects ( Goat Farming & Calves Rearing), we have already started the same in our fully developed 22 acres farms situated near Yelahanka which has the following infrastructure and facilities,

1. 10 Feet compound wall with security gates.

2. Fully grown 540(almost 20 years old) coconut trees.

3. Four Bore wells with each 2" of water delivery and 24X7 Power supply.

4. Completely drip irrigation facility.

5. One 35 HP Massey Ferguson Tractor, one 14 HP Ganga Sifang power Tiller, One Oleomac Power weeder for all cultivation needs.

6. 4 Servant quarters to accommodate 15 labour families.

7. One 1BHK house to stay there in case of requirement.

8. One Tata Ace to be utilized for transportation needs.

Now, let me brief you about the Projects in detail.
Projects Goat Farming (Stall Fed) -

Total Project Target 1000 Goats
Present Project Status Already Started with 35 Goats
No. of Acres Allocated 15

Why Goats Farming?
Goats are among the main meat-producing animals in India , whose meat (chevon) is one of the choicest meats and has huge domestic demand. Due to its good economic prospects, goat rearing under intensive and semi-intensive system for commercial production has been gaining momentum for the past couple of years. High demand for goat and its products with potential of good economic returns have been deriving many progressive farmers, businessmen, professionals, ex-servicemen and educated youths to take up the goat enterprise on a commercial scale. The emerging favorable market conditions and easy accessibility to improved goat technologies are also catching the attention of entrepreneurs.

Advantages of Goat Farming-

Goat is the 1st domesticated animal in the ancient age and is a Poor Man's Cow. Goat is a multi functional animal and plays a significant role in the economy and nutrition of landless, small and marginal farmers in the country. Goat rearing is an enterprise which has been practiced by a large section of population in rural areas. Goats can efficiently survive on available shrubs and trees in adverse harsh environment in low fertility lands where no other crop can be grown. In pastoral and agricultural subsistence societies in India, goats are kept as a source of additional income and as an insurance against disaster. Goats are also used in ceremonial feastings and for the payment of social dues. In addition to this, goat has religious and ritualistic importance in many societies. The advantages of goat rearing are:

*The initial investment needed for Goat farming is low.

*Due to small body size and docile nature, housing requirements and manage mental problems with goats are less.

*Goats are friendly animals and enjoy being with the people.

*Goats are prolific breeders and achieve sexual maturity at the age of 10-12 months gestation period in goats is short and at the age of 16-17 months it starts giving milk.

*Twinning is very common and triplets and quadruplets are rare.

*In drought prone areas risk of goat farming is very much less as compared to other livestock species.

*Unlike large animals in commercial farm conditions both male and female goats have equal value.

*Goats are ideal for mixed species grazing. The animal can thrive well on wide variety of thorny bushes, weeds, crop residues, agricultural by-products unsuitable for human consumption.

*Goats are resistant to diseases. Since they are stall fed, the expenditure on Medication/ treatment is marginal.

*Their population in the country is continuously increasing, though 60% of the goats are slaughtered every year.

*The products available from Goats are MUTTON, MILK, MANURE, SKIN & LUSTROUS FINE HAIR.

*Under proper management, goats can improve and maintain grazing land and reduce bush encroachment (biological control) without causing harm to the environment.

*No religious taboo against goat slaughter and meat consumption prevalent in the country. Slaughter and dressing operation and meat disposal can be carried without much environmental problems.

*The goat meat is more lean (low cholesterol) and relatively good for people who prefer low energy diet especially in summer and sometimes goat meat (Chevon) is preferred over mutton because of its "chewability"

*Goat milk is high in demand in Metro Cities and sell for s 80-100/ Litre. Also, Goat milk is easy to digest than cow milk because of small fat globules and is naturally homogenized. Goat milk is said to play a role in improving appetite and digestive efficiency. Goat milk is non allergic as compared to cow milk and it has anti-fungal and anti bacterial properties and can be used for treating urogenital diseases of fungal origin.

*Goats are 2.5 times more economical than sheep on free range grazing under semi arid conditions.

*Goat creates employment to the rural poor besides effectively utilizing unpaid family labor.

*There is ample scope for establishing cottage industries based on goat meat and milk products and value addition to skin and fiber.

*Goat is termed as walking refrigerator for the storage of milk and can be milked number of times in a day.

Projects Calves (Calf) Rearing -

Total Project Target 100 Calves
Present Project Status Already Started with 15 Calves
No. of Acres Allocated 7

What's Calves (Calf) Rearing?

The concept is to buy new born calves (preferable female) and rearing them from birth till they are ready for Lactation (Milking) which includes the stages such as growing, Coming to heat, Artificial insemination, gestation. Once they are ready before delivery, we would sell them at the best market price. Since the demand for good quality animals has gone up, calf rearing and breeding is done so that better animals can be made available to the dairy sector.

To discuss more about the project concept/ report, investment process & share your ideas with me, mail me at joinsirisha@gmail.com.. Thanks a lot to u all......

Sirisha Shekar,

Dear All, Greetings to 235377 users of agriculture information. I am Sirisha and have invited you all to join us as "Business partners" at our Dairy Farm in May 2012 to which we got a over-helming response of 40521 Views and 467 replies.

To brief about myself, I am working ( Just resigned now to persue career in agriculture from Jan 2016) at the senior level in a reputed IT company and was most of the time out of country on-site. Now, let me recall with all my friends who are “Software Professionals” with some thoughts which would have definitely arrived in their mind at any point of their career.

1. Don't i need to do something different to achieve big in life apart from the present regular boring job?

2. Don't i need to be a "BOSS" myself, get relieved from my existing stressful job & give an employment opportunity to many others in need??

3. Don't i need to have the same income even i quit my job today & start some other business without changing my present lifestyle???

4. Don't i have some responsibility towards "Mother Earth" and also i can apply my zeal & passion to write my own success story???? And finally

5. Can't i find some business opportunity where the investment would be less with high returns and no risks involved in that, most importantly giving complete peace of mind & good healthy life to me, my family members & future generations?????

If these were the thoughts you too have experienced sometime, then come forward to join us as a "BUSINESS PARTNER" in our Agri Projects ( Goat Farming & Calves Rearing) in which we have simplified the mode of investments to suit you all where you can get associated with us directly (as a Working partner) or indirectly (as a Sleeping partner).

Coming to the Projects ( Goat Farming & Calves Rearing), we have already started the same in our fully developed 22 acres farms situated near Yelahanka which has the following infrastructure and facilities,

1. 10 Feet compound wall with security gates.

2. Fully grown 540(almost 20 years old) coconut trees.

3. Four Bore wells with each 2" of water delivery and 24X7 Power supply.

4. Completely drip irrigation facility.

5. One 35 HP Massey Ferguson Tractor, one 14 HP Ganga Sifang power Tiller, One Oleomac Power weeder for all cultivation needs.

6. 4 Servant quarters to accommodate 15 labour families.

7. One 1BHK house to stay there in case of requirement.

8. One Tata Ace to be utilized for transportation needs.

Now, let me brief you about the Projects in detail.
Projects Goat Farming (Stall Fed) -

Total Project Target 1000 Goats
Present Project Status Already Started with 35 Goats
No. of Acres Allocated 15

Why Goats Farming?
Goats are among the main meat-producing animals in India , whose meat (chevon) is one of the choicest meats and has huge domestic demand. Due to its good economic prospects, goat rearing under intensive and semi-intensive system for commercial production has been gaining momentum for the past couple of years. High demand for goat and its products with potential of good economic returns have been deriving many progressive farmers, businessmen, professionals, ex-servicemen and educated youths to take up the goat enterprise on a commercial scale. The emerging favorable market conditions and easy accessibility to improved goat technologies are also catching the attention of entrepreneurs.

Advantages of Goat Farming-

Goat is the 1st domesticated animal in the ancient age and is a Poor Man's Cow. Goat is a multi functional animal and plays a significant role in the economy and nutrition of landless, small and marginal farmers in the country. Goat rearing is an enterprise which has been practiced by a large section of population in rural areas. Goats can efficiently survive on available shrubs and trees in adverse harsh environment in low fertility lands where no other crop can be grown. In pastoral and agricultural subsistence societies in India, goats are kept as a source of additional income and as an insurance against disaster. Goats are also used in ceremonial feastings and for the payment of social dues. In addition to this, goat has religious and ritualistic importance in many societies. The advantages of goat rearing are:

*The initial investment needed for Goat farming is low.

*Due to small body size and docile nature, housing requirements and manage mental problems with goats are less.

*Goats are friendly animals and enjoy being with the people.

*Goats are prolific breeders and achieve sexual maturity at the age of 10-12 months gestation period in goats is short and at the age of 16-17 months it starts giving milk.

*Twinning is very common and triplets and quadruplets are rare.

*In drought prone areas risk of goat farming is very much less as compared to other livestock species.

*Unlike large animals in commercial farm conditions both male and female goats have equal value.

*Goats are ideal for mixed species grazing. The animal can thrive well on wide variety of thorny bushes, weeds, crop residues, agricultural by-products unsuitable for human consumption.

*Goats are resistant to diseases. Since they are stall fed, the expenditure on Medication/ treatment is marginal.

*Their population in the country is continuously increasing, though 60% of the goats are slaughtered every year.

*The products available from Goats are MUTTON, MILK, MANURE, SKIN & LUSTROUS FINE HAIR.

*Under proper management, goats can improve and maintain grazing land and reduce bush encroachment (biological control) without causing harm to the environment.

*No religious taboo against goat slaughter and meat consumption prevalent in the country. Slaughter and dressing operation and meat disposal can be carried without much environmental problems.

*The goat meat is more lean (low cholesterol) and relatively good for people who prefer low energy diet especially in summer and sometimes goat meat (Chevon) is preferred over mutton because of its "chewability"

*Goat milk is high in demand in Metro Cities and sell for s 80-100/ Litre. Also, Goat milk is easy to digest than cow milk because of small fat globules and is naturally homogenized. Goat milk is said to play a role in improving appetite and digestive efficiency. Goat milk is non allergic as compared to cow milk and it has anti-fungal and anti bacterial properties and can be used for treating urogenital diseases of fungal origin.

*Goats are 2.5 times more economical than sheep on free range grazing under semi arid conditions.

*Goat creates employment to the rural poor besides effectively utilizing unpaid family labor.

*There is ample scope for establishing cottage industries based on goat meat and milk products and value addition to skin and fiber.

*Goat is termed as walking refrigerator for the storage of milk and can be milked number of times in a day.

Projects Calves (Calf) Rearing -

Total Project Target 100 Calves
Present Project Status Already Started with 15 Calves
No. of Acres Allocated 7

What's Calves (Calf) Rearing?

The concept is to buy new born calves (preferable female) and rearing them from birth till they are ready for Lactation (Milking) which includes the stages such as growing, Coming to heat, Artificial insemination, gestation. Once they are ready before delivery, we would sell them at the best market price. Since the demand for good quality animals has gone up, calf rearing and breeding is done so that better animals can be made available to the dairy sector.

To discuss more about the project concept/ report, investment process & share your ideas with me, mail me at joinsirisha@gmail.com.. Thanks a lot to u all......

Sirisha Shekar,
