Establishment of banana farm near hyderabad



I am planning to start a G-9 Tissue culture Banana Farm near Secunderabad about 80 kms away. Any one interested to make a contract for the produce before hand - can contact me
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Establishment of Banana Farm

Dear Sir,

We are in Bannan Consultancy Business having good hand in Establishing & Developng Bananan Farms & selling the produce to Domestic as well as Export Markets.
We can guide you right from Plant selection to its cultivation & upto sell of the produce.
If interested please revert on following details

Satish B.

Hi,I am planning to start a G-9 Tissue culture Banana Farm near Secunderabad about 80 kms away. Any one interested to make a contract for the produce before hand - can contact me[/QUOTE]
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tissue culture banana


I am from hyderabad, i am also planning to start tissue culture banana cultivation, plz send information in this regard
