Dairy Project



New Member
I am interested in starting up a Dairy farm project in any nearby area how can I get the project report and other legal formalities, machineries, and other subsidies + bank assistance details of nearby states like Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan.

Dear Nk,
Kindly meet a local vet/agricultural extension officers, they would help you out
Else even suggest you to contact One Dr. Lokesh, , Blore is a veterinary doctor, who has rich experience in handling and managing Dairy, rabbits and pigs
please contact...
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suresh nottath

New Member

Dear Moderator,
I wish to inform you of your untimely intrution & editing the vital information's as really disgusting!! It's time, you stop your few found menace. We just cannot afford to become paid members.So.. do you want us to get away??? Please be frank as we cannot afford the time to lose time surfing this site...
With regards,
Suresh Nottath
