dairy plant



New Member
i am planning to establish a milk processing plant would anybody help me to know economics and possible risks

kirti s

Well-Known Member
hello sir
The organized dairy sector (both cooperatives and private) is presently handling only 10-12 percent of total milk production in the country.

Dairy products form one of the fastest growing segments in the livestock product export.
Based on the various techno-economic parameters, the economics of the project has to be worked out for the project period or till the repayment of bank loan. The items of income includes sale of liquid milk, milk products and miscellaneous items. while the expenditure includes the cost of raw material, transportation and commission, power, fuel packing distribution, wages and salary, repairs and maintenance, insurance, advertisement and other overheads. The income as well as expenditure for each year has to be worked out and then it should be subjected to cash flow analysis. For the model diary processing plant of 10000 litres per day, the relevant techno-economic parameters are furnished in statement 4. The methodology for estimating the income and expenditure is given in statement 5 and 6 respectively. The depreciation schedules on straight line method and written down value are worked out
The cash flow statement covering the Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), Net Present Worth (NPW) and Internal/financial rate of return (IRR/FRR) has to be worked out for the project. Normally the BCR should be greater than 1, NPW should be positive and IRR/FRR should be greater than 15%. For the model project under consideration, the BCR is 1.12:1, NPW is Rs. 134.75 lakhs and IRR is more than 50%. The details of the cash flow analysis (without considering income tax) is given in statement 8. For arriving at the tax liabilities, profit before tax was estimated and income tax was considered @35% as per the existing rates . On post tax income the FRR of the project is worked out as shown in statement 9. The entire bank loan can be repayable in six years including one year grace period during which only interest will be recovered


We are in the milk processing plant industry for a long time.We do project job from concept to commissioning.
You will get all guidelines from us.


We are in the milk processing plant industry for a long time.We do project job from concept to commissioning.
You will get all guidelines from us.
