Dairy Farming



New Member
I want to start the dairy farming with 10 Buffalos,Can anybody guide me how to start this.For your info i have mentioned the details of area where i am looking to start my business.

Area : Belgaum Dist,Chickodi Tlq,Raibagh.

Amount : 20 % i can invest and i need loan for rest.


YOu can start a dairy in belgaum. Initially to start with go in for 2 or 4 buffaloes/cows. Then slowly you can increase the size of your dairy farm. Write a project report and submit it to the any nationalised bank or NAbard for loan. YOu can also check at the nearest KVK if any subsidy is available.


Hi Ashwini,
Thanks for your reply,But from where i can get the project report,i dont have any idea of that.
My queries are:

1) I dont have agriculture land,so i am planning to purchase 1 acre land and then start dairy farming.Shall i invest on that or can i get loan for that also.
2) If i start from 2 or 4 buffaloes,how can i repay the amount which i will be getting as loan.
3) Could you please give me any references so that i can contact them and then plan accordingly.
4) What is the approximate amount i need to start this business.

Wating for your rply.

I want to start the dairy farming with 10 Buffalos,Can anybody guide me how to start this.For your info i have mentioned the details of area where i am looking to start my business.

Area : Belgaum Dist,Chickodi Tlq,Raibagh.

Amount : 20 % i can invest and i need loan for rest.
There are no. of Murrah farms in Belgaum, Bijapur and Dharwad areas. You can visit them and gain knowledge on success of these farms.
For furthur technical assistance, short training etc. pl. contact
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