Dairy Farm Novice



New Member
Hi friends,

My name is Imran and I was born and brought up in Mumbai.

I have inherited around 50 acres of agricultural land in Maharashtra and I want to do something useful with it, rather than selling it off.

After much deliberation I have decided to use the land to start a dairy farm. I hope to start it by buying 25 buffaloes and a breeding bull.

The questions that I wanted to know from my experienced friends are :

1) The cost of a high grade Murrah buffalo and similarly a high grade Murrah breeding bull (including the transportation). Also can anyone tell me good place to buy the these livestocks.

2) I know that different factors affect the production of milk in a cattle, but what is the average daily milk production and lactation period if the good quality feeding is provided along with minimum stress (since I can provide them with a clean, hygienic and well ventilated housing, have monthly visits by a vet and a daily visit to the river). Please provide real facts, since I have seen threads and visited websites that say that Murrah can provide close to 20 litres daily and lactations of 300 days.

3) How many buffaloes can I feed on 50 acres, I am hoping to reduce the cost of fodder by growing it on the farm itself. I wanted to know how much fodder is required per animal, I read somewhere that it was supposed to be 10% of the animal weight and the distribution of fodder was supposed to be :

Fodder Type-----------For Milking-----------For Dry
Green Fodder-----------31kgs---------------27.5kgs daily
Dry Fodder-------------4.5 kgs--------------5.5kgs daily
Concentrate------------5.5 kgs-------------1.5kgs daily

is this right. I wanted to know the best resource for green & dry fodder. Can I create my own concentrate, I was hoping to keep my feed organic.

4) I calculated the monthly salary of the helper to be around INR. 6000 to 7500, is this enough. What do you pay

5) Since milking 25 buffaloes is not a one man job, I was hoping to buy a small electric milking machine. Wanted to know the best one in the market and how much does it costs.

6) The best market is at 4 hours by motorcycle and keeping the milk raw for 4hrs is not feasible and I know that I can keep the milk from going bad by boling the milk but it would reduce the cream and fat content thus reducing the price of the milk. So does any one of you have a better idea for this problem.

I know by asking so many questions I might be annoying some of you, but all help would be greatly appreciated. You also mail me the details
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Senior Member

Hi Imran you can communicate to us for detailed discussions
thanks and regards,


Hi friends,

My name is Imran and I was born and brought up in Mumbai.

I have inherited around 50 acres of agricultural land in Maharashtra and I want to do something useful with it, rather than selling it off.

After much deliberation I have decided to use the land to start a dairy farm. I hope to start it by buying 25 buffaloes and a breeding bull.

The questions that I wanted to know from my experienced friends are :

1) The cost of a high grade Murrah buffalo and similarly a high grade Murrah breeding bull (including the transportation). Also can anyone tell me good place to buy the these livestocks.

2) I know that different factors affect the production of milk in a cattle, but what is the average daily milk production and lactation period if the good quality feeding is provided along with minimum stress (since I can provide them with a clean, hygienic and well ventilated housing, have monthly visits by a vet and a daily visit to the river). Please provide real facts, since I have seen threads and visited websites that say that Murrah can provide close to 20 litres daily and lactations of 300 days.

3) How many buffaloes can I feed on 50 acres, I am hoping to reduce the cost of fodder by growing it on the farm itself. I wanted to know how much fodder is required per animal, I read somewhere that it was supposed to be 10% of the animal weight and the distribution of fodder was supposed to be :

Fodder Type-----------For Milking-----------For Dry
Green Fodder-----------31kgs---------------27.5kgs daily
Dry Fodder-------------4.5 kgs--------------5.5kgs daily
Concentrate------------5.5 kgs-------------1.5kgs daily

is this right. I wanted to know the best resource for green & dry fodder. Can I create my own concentrate, I was hoping to keep my feed organic.

4) I calculated the monthly salary of the helper to be around INR. 6000 to 7500, is this enough. What do you pay

5) Since milking 25 buffaloes is not a one man job, I was hoping to buy a small electric milking machine. Wanted to know the best one in the market and how much does it costs.

6) The best market is at 4 hours by motorcycle and keeping the milk raw for 4hrs is not feasible and I know that I can keep the milk from going bad by boling the milk but it would reduce the cream and fat content thus reducing the price of the milk. So does any one of you have a better idea for this problem.

I know by asking so many questions I might be annoying some of you, but all help would be greatly appreciated. You also mail me the details
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Senior Member
Hi friends,

My name is Imran and I was born and brought up in Mumbai.

I have inherited around 50 acres of agricultural land in Maharashtra and I want to do something useful with it, rather than selling it off.

After much deliberation I have decided to use the land to start a dairy farm. I hope to start it by buying 25 buffaloes and a breeding bull.

The questions that I wanted to know from my experienced friends are :

1) The cost of a high grade Murrah buffalo and similarly a high grade Murrah breeding bull (including the transportation). Also can anyone tell me good place to buy the these livestocks.

2) I know that different factors affect the production of milk in a cattle, but what is the average daily milk production and lactation period if the good quality feeding is provided along with minimum stress (since I can provide them with a clean, hygienic and well ventilated housing, have monthly visits by a vet and a daily visit to the river). Please provide real facts, since I have seen threads and visited websites that say that Murrah can provide close to 20 litres daily and lactations of 300 days.

3) How many buffaloes can I feed on 50 acres, I am hoping to reduce the cost of fodder by growing it on the farm itself. I wanted to know how much fodder is required per animal, I read somewhere that it was supposed to be 10% of the animal weight and the distribution of fodder was supposed to be :

Fodder Type-----------For Milking-----------For Dry
Green Fodder-----------31kgs---------------27.5kgs daily
Dry Fodder-------------4.5 kgs--------------5.5kgs daily
Concentrate------------5.5 kgs-------------1.5kgs daily

is this right. I wanted to know the best resource for green & dry fodder. Can I create my own concentrate, I was hoping to keep my feed organic.

4) I calculated the monthly salary of the helper to be around INR. 6000 to 7500, is this enough. What do you pay

5) Since milking 25 buffaloes is not a one man job, I was hoping to buy a small electric milking machine. Wanted to know the best one in the market and how much does it costs.

6) The best market is at 4 hours by motorcycle and keeping the milk raw for 4hrs is not feasible and I know that I can keep the milk from going bad by boling the milk but it would reduce the cream and fat content thus reducing the price of the milk. So does any one of you have a better idea for this problem.

I know by asking so many questions I might be annoying some of you, but all help would be greatly appreciated. You also mail me the details
Mr. Imran Shekh ,

Plz send me your Contact details by PM ..Your all solutions are with us ..


Well-Known Member
hai imran

hai imran i am shajth from salem, tamil nadu i have a business promotion pl give me a private message we will disucss

