curry leaf pwder or paste mnufacturing know how



New Member
I own a agri farm were in i grow 4 acres of curry leaves and would like to convert fresh leaves in pwder or paste to market as pwder

Cury Leaves

I own a agri farm were in i grow 4 acres of curry leaves and would like to convert fresh leaves in pwder or paste to market as pwder

Dear Sir / Madam,

Please contact us directly, so that we can discuss in detail

Best Regards.

Multi Trade Links,

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+ 91 98 33 666 888
+ 91 97 02 666 888
+ 91 81 08 666 888

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+ 91 22 29 666 888

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+ 91 22 40 166 888

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Curry Leaves and Past Booth

I own a agri farm were in i grow 4 acres of curry leaves and would like to convert fresh leaves in pwder or paste to market as pwder

We can Give you direct Contact of a company who will tech you how to make powder and past and they will buy your product too.

Contact me on mu mail id

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Curry leaf drying

Dear Mr. Rohit,
If you have details of technology for freeze or vaccum drying of curry leaves, please send me a project report to e-mail ID:
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