Cow protection read and respond



Senior Member
hello every one please read and respond.iam siva rama krishna ananyaagrotech visakhapatnam.i visited one cow protection center chilukuri balaji goshala baruva,sompeta mandal,srikakulam district,Andhrapradsh.smt adilakshmi & sri ramana murthyboth are wife and husbend protectig cows giving shelter in their goshala named as chilukuri balaji they are giving shelter to 1300 cows & buffellos saved from transportaion for slatter house.they give shelter in their 20 acers coconut garden for shelter.spending lot of money for feeding,labour,medicines their own money.they spend Rs 6000/ per each labour.fodder,feed,medicines.they need some financial support.1300 cow maintenance is not a small thing.please respond what ever you can do .you can speak with them who knows telugu speaking can talk with smt adilakshmi 9440312344,english&hindi mr ramanamurthi 9440041524.any one can visit goshla located at baruva,sompeta mandal,srikakulam district. you do some help you get blessings from the forward this message to your friends & relitives fo any donation please make sbi curent account no 31012927191 chilukuri balaji goshla. you can visit in google chilukuri balaji goshala/facebook please respond they need some funds for protcting cows.all 1300 cows protected by transporting to slawtter female cow is 8 months pergnent transporting to slawtter house smt adilakshmi saved shelterd in their goshala within one month one male calf born that cow she named that male calf markandeya.please respond what ever you can do .please forward this nessage to all.every one want to know abot this couple. sorry any trouble to read this thank you for reading all this

Dear Sir

We are also having Gosala and maintaining around 36 Indian breeds of cows. We are producing panchagavya and agnihastra which is basically a fertilizer and pesticides for agriculture.

The purchase help us in saving more cows.

V Sudhindranath
LTA Trading Private Limited
No. 18/7, Chitrakoot, Kumaracot Layout,
High Grounds, Bangalore 560 001.
Ph: +91 99450 66699
Web site:

Cow protection read & respond

hello every one please read and respond.iam siva rama krishna ananyaagrotech visakhapatnam.i visited one cow protection center chilukuri balaji goshala baruva,sompeta mandal,srikakulam district,Andhrapradsh.smt adilakshmi & sri ramana murthyboth are wife and husbend protectig cows giving shelter in their goshala named as chilukuri balaji they are giving shelter to 1300 cows & buffellos saved from transportaion for slatter house.they give shelter in their 20 acers coconut garden for shelter.spending lot of money for feeding,labour,medicines their own money.they spend Rs 6000/ per each labour. 18 ;abour working for 1300 cows protection. fodder,feed,medicines.they need some financial support.1300 cow maintenance is not a small thing.please respond what ever you can do .you can speak with them who knows telugu speaking can talk with smt adilakshmi 9440312344,english&hindi mr ramanamurthi 9440041524.any one can visit goshla located at baruva,sompeta mandal,srikakulam district. you do some help you get blessings from the saved forward this message to your friends & relitives for any donation please make any donation Rs 100/- to what ever you want to donate .sbi curent account no 31012927191 chilukuri balaji goshla. you can visit in google chilukuri balaji goshala/facebook please respond they need some funds for protcting cows.all 1300 cows protected by transporting to slawtter female cow is 8 months pergnent transporting to slawtter house smt adilakshmi saved shelterd in their goshala within one month one male calf born that cow she named that male calf markandeya.please respond what ever you can do .please forward this nessage to all your friends and relatives every one want to know abot this couple. sorry any trouble to read this thank you for reading all this
