Corporate Farming Entrepreneurs



New Member
Hi All,

We are a group of 3 motivated individuals who plan to start an agri-based business built around corporate farming model in India. I am looking for 2 more people who would act as agricultural consultants for this business. We are looking at individuals who can commit full-time long term for this project.
the basic requirement is that the person should possess a Masters degree / Doctorate degree in Agriculture. A bachelor's degree with atleast 3 years of on-field experience will also suffice.

Please message me if you are interested to be a part of this venture.


Corporate farming

Dear Friends,

I am glad to learn that you are going to venture into corporate farming. Congratulations.

I am a Bangalore based Agri/ Horticulture consultant. Please let me know the details of your venture.

With good wishes,

Krishnamurthy, K.R.
