chrysanthemums growing tips


I want to grow chrysanthemums on open field in Kodaikkanal. Kindly guide me on the cost of cultivation in 2 acers and the profit margins. Is this flower an all season flower or will grow more in any particular months? Also guide me on the selling price.



Well-Known Member

Chrysanthemum can be cultivated all through the year just by altering the day light condition.
Chrysanthemums are just about the easiest of all of the perennials to grow. They should be planted in early spring after all danger of freezing, however they can be planted almost any time, as long as they have time to establish their root system before the hottest weather.
Chrysanthemum flowers last a long time Chrysanthemums grow best and produce the most flowers if they are planted in full sunshine. They respond to plenty of food and moisture.
There are hundreds of varieties of Chrysanthemums, giving you a multitude of options for height, color, flower size and time of bloom. You can pick and choose to fit your wants and needs when you visit the nursery.

