Chicken Shed prices


bk joseph

Can anyone help me out to get prices on chicken sheds used for 2000 chicken each total 4 sheds that is 10000 chickens.
please let me know the space sqft , and rates to be done at Mysore.

kirti s

Well-Known Member
Hello Sir
Construction of Building & Poultry Sheds for 2000 layers may go upto Rs. 3,60,000.
Equipments & Cages: Rs. 1,54,000 /-
Overhead charges for Electrification : Rs. 10,000 /-

Recurring Expenditure for 20,000 Layer capacity :
Expenditure towards Cost of Chicks : Rs. 37,944 /-
Expenditure towards Cost of Feed (14 Qtl.) : Rs. 1,47,000/-
Expenditure towards Medicine,&Insurance : Rs. 10,000/-
