Can a person with non farming background buy a farming land



New Member
Hi All,
I have identified Farm land in Ananthpur AP. and i am on the verg of purchase.
I am not sure of one thing and request if some one could help clarify the same.
I am planing to buy this land to do farming.
1. Can a person from non farming / non aggriculture family history become a farmer?
2. and Can this same person buy a piece of Aggricultural/farming land?
3. And Are there any laws in india that prevent non farmers from buying a farm/ aggricultural land?
4. Could some one advise me on Legal method of becoming a Farmer, Buying a farm land and to do farming.
I am From Bangalore, and an Engineer, i want to leave this job and become a farmer. and I am a Indian Citizen.
Request your help,
Thank you.

Dear abid,
as per govt rule the person who or family has a land can be treated as farmer but if you are buying the land in rajasthan you don't have any problem as per my knowledge,
if you need any help do send or call
thanks and regards
rajiv patil


Hi Abid,

I contacted a broker in Ratnagiri to buy some agricultural land some months back, one of the condition he was mentioning me was like, when we buy the agricultural land in bulk, he wanted to know whether we had some kind of land with us with duly paid tax reciept which can be called as agricultural land. I think this is one of the condition at the time of registration.


