How does Gabions Prevent Soil Erosion ?
Gabions are wire-mesh structures filled with rocks of different sizes, built on areas prone to soil erosion.
Gabions work by providing a strong support for otherwise weak areas of earth.
Loose soil fills the spaces between the rocks and collects in front of the gabion,
preventing more soil from being washed away.
Study says, PVC Coated Gabions may last upto 60 years.
How to make best use of Gabions ?
Making a gabion is not too expensive, and not too difficult to make.
Measure the area to build the gabion wall.
Get a gabion basket that fits your needs.
Level the area where the gabions are to be placed (this can be done by a shovel).
Tie the gabions at different places using 14-guage (or stronger wire).
Fill the gabions with rocks, make sure that the average rocks are smaller than the openings in the mesh.
Buy Gabions-
Gabions Manufacturers | Gabions Baskets | Gabion Boxes | Gabion Mattresses, India
Gabions are wire-mesh structures filled with rocks of different sizes, built on areas prone to soil erosion.
Gabions work by providing a strong support for otherwise weak areas of earth.
Loose soil fills the spaces between the rocks and collects in front of the gabion,
preventing more soil from being washed away.
Study says, PVC Coated Gabions may last upto 60 years.
How to make best use of Gabions ?
Making a gabion is not too expensive, and not too difficult to make.
Measure the area to build the gabion wall.
Get a gabion basket that fits your needs.
Level the area where the gabions are to be placed (this can be done by a shovel).
Tie the gabions at different places using 14-guage (or stronger wire).
Fill the gabions with rocks, make sure that the average rocks are smaller than the openings in the mesh.
Buy Gabions-
Gabions Manufacturers | Gabions Baskets | Gabion Boxes | Gabion Mattresses, India