Biofuel frauds.



Well-Known Member
Hello friends!

This is not a story!!!!

Its a fact!

I happen to meet an enterpreneur in Karnataka who is a engineer in electronics who is forced to put his hard earned money in the name of Biofuel.

He has been supplied a table expeller supposed to be a product of Sardar engineering Kanpur but simply manipulated and in the name of modification by a clever trader who sold the expeller for Rs105000.

Mind you the capacity of the expeller is hardly 25kgs/hour and that too suitable for only coconut kernals.

The poor enterpreneur is misguided in such a way that he is forced to work as a operator to run this tiny mill but for no profit.

I do not want to reveal the name of that bloody supplier who has cheated the engineer and the whole story is exposed today when the poor engineer got a shocking news about the original cost of the table expeller which is just Rs22000.

who have eaten the difference say Rs75000+?
Is there any end to this type of cheatings?
You will be surprised if I reveal the names of those who are behind this scandal!!!!

Beaware of such cheats!!!!
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Well-Known Member
table expeller.

Dear friends!

I am sure you guys are wondering how this issue is related to Biofuel?

Certain colleges and Govt institutions are hurrying now adays to set up Small mechanical presses to extract oil.

The Institutions in the name of R and D never read the credibility of the suppliers and this type of encouragement sometime allow the Cheats to deliver a low cost machines at a very high price.

The State Govt. must follow certain norms to avoid this type of mal practices.
We will otherwise shall reveal the entire scandal here to caution those innocent colleges and Institutions to know the truth.

Setting up a table expeller and crushing Poongamia oil 20kgs/hour is not a whole Biofuel unit.
The State Govt. must stop entertaining such traders who just sell an expeller in the name of biofuel.

