Bio diesel



New Member
Please provide the necessary details for bio diesel plantation, like what kind of land required, suitable climate, suitable month for plantation, water feeding details etc


Well-Known Member

Jatropa is used for biodiesel production. Here are the cultivation aspects of jkatropa..

Why cultivation of Jatropha only ?

The cogent reasons are : Jatropha plants...

* Grow even on marginal/saline/acidic/alkaline soils and slopy lands.
* Develop without much care and irrigation.
* Suit even dry-land farming and survive drought.
* Provide live hedge for farms to arrest the menace of stray cattle.
* Generate rural employment for cultivation, seed collection and processing.
* Need hardly any application of pesticide.
* Generate net income for 35-40 years @ about Rs.10,000/acre, from 4th year.
* Improve soil fertility throughout their life-cycle.
* Provide fuel wood after 50 year's life-span.
* Possess medicinal as well as other multiple uses.
* Create green cover for long term ecological benefits.
* Enhance energy security for the country.

* Plant at 2x2 m in 60x60x60 cm pit filled with soil mixed with 2 kg organic manure.
* Drip irrigate, if possible; monsoon, little; winter, fortnightly; summer, frequently.
* Prune main stem upon 1.5 m growth for profuse branching and higher seed yield.
* Spray foliage with growth promoters for higher yield of seeds and oil.
* Ensure maximum exposure to sunlight for enhancing seed yield.
* Use inter-cropping for first 2-3 years for income while Jatropha plants mature.



It has been proved beyond doubt that Biodiesel from Jatropha is not a viable project for reasons like cost of yield, cost of plucking, processing, etc. It is better to consider Energy Plantations and generate power. Both Energy Plantation and Power Generation are viable projects independently. Ideal for Indias Agricultural Economy and Rural Electrification. For details write,Please contact..
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